Violence | Carla Parola Official website Violence – Carla Parola Official website
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This is quite a demanding theme, as it can create interpretations that are not exactly to the point, not correct and certainly not in line with the real meaning of Violence as an Energetic vibration.
Unless one has a “violent” nature, speaking about it can generate a feeling of rebellion in us.
Only when the individual identifies himself with Violence, nourishes it, and makes it part of his personal characteristics, is it impossible to influence this person.
Otherwise, Life which is always perfect, and always in harmony with positive Evolution, allows the vibration of Violence to be made active in the human being, but at the same time, gives the human being the ability to dominate and understand this Violence.
I wish to speak of Violence as a vibration.
There are no negative vibrations, only vibrations that are lived in a negative way.
Just like all vibrations, Violence is positive, negative and neutral.
We have all got the vibration of Violence within us. There are those who activate it in a positive way, and in this way it doesn’t cause any damage, it is a Violence that if used correctly can reverse certain situations that really need to be resolved. This can be absolutely appropriate, for example it can remove an object from a stable but dangerous position, and only with a violent gesture can this be achieved. It could happen that this violent gesture might be the only expedient to finish a relationship, and this is the only way to do it.
Relax, relax.
When we talk about Violence we mustn’t alienate it from ourselves, because as I have just said, it is within and part of us.
Violence is part of the human being because it is a vibration, and therefore cannot be negative in itself, just lived in a negative way.
However when does Violence become difficult to control, and a danger to the person and others? When the person identifies himself with it, when he cannot see it as something that hurts others and himself, but only considers it a distinguishing part of his character, and it excites him. This person takes advantage of others through Violence, without the slightest concern if his behavior is damaging other people.
Often certain kinds of Violence are disguised behind a facade. There is even the person who can seem to be as inoffensive as a lamb, why? Because he wants to reach his target, and to do so, he pretends to be gentle and concerned. His target is neither gentle or considerate, only violent.
This is a disguised Violence, and we must fear it because it does not produce positive fruit, only negative for those who practice it, and those who submit to it.
There are violent gestures that are natural.

Remember when Christ destroyed the money lender’s stalls.
That was a “violent” gesture that also taught us not to go too far.
Sometimes a healthy resentment can lead us to a violent act, so that our actions become more incisive.
All Violence arising from negative intentions and/or actions must be condemned.
However, to be able to judge the intentions behind the Violence, one would need to be within the soul of the perpetrator.
In Christ’s case, the aim was clearly absolutely positive, to make us think.
Now on Earth it seems that Violence is dominant. It seems to be but in fact, ever more people are keeping their distance, moving away from it. They label it as useless, dangerous and absurd, and so no longer is it the vibration of Violence, that dominates, but the vibration of refusal of Violence.
Then there are rallies and demonstrations against Violence, where violence can flare up, and we are back again asking ourselves who is right and who isn’t.
If I demonstrate against Violence and am provoked, I can react, and my actions can be partially justified as a form of defense.
There are those whose pacifism is total, and it would NEVER occur to them to act violently towards others, they prefer to submit. This is an energetic characteristic they have.
We can all remember Gandhi who taught us what the real nonviolence is all about. Above all let us remember his coherence, he didn’t preach nonviolence, he LIVED IT.
NOW, he who preaches nonviolence, who denounces Violence, should be pure and limpid, not activating it within himself, and affirming both his words and actions.
It was easy for Gandhi to be coherent because he WAS a non violent being, and within him the vibration of Violence was not activated.
We must reflect very carefully on why Violence could tip the scales at this moment in time, until the new evolutionary paradigm can be installed without using Violence, or if it is necessary to leave it aside for a while because Violence is stronger than non Violence.
What can we do to help the paradigm become firmly established?
Keep your distance, energetically and emotionally, from every type of Violence.
Although it seems paradoxical, to do this we may need to use Violence against ourselves, because when our Minds try to justify certain behavior, we must violently fight off these thoughts, so they do not become part of us.

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