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Unexpected Events


The disorientation that comes when faced with unexpected events is human and absolutely rational.
We would like Life to respect our expectations: one plus one must always equal two, a good person should always be rewarded and the bad person punished, young people must live, and the old die.
These are the certainties we expect from Life. They are rational, Mind thoughts.
However we must broaden our perspective and observe what happens.
Do Life’s events just happen at random? No, in Life there is a precise plan which is only revealed at the right moment.
This plan is not always understood, but this doesn’t mean that it is absurd or wrong: it means that when something happens ( the plan that Life permits to take place) we must reflect on it and learn the lesson.
It would be very easy if Life gratified all our expectations, but it doesn’t work like that.
The earthquake event of these days is very disorienting, it is even more so because it is in the western part of the world, where the way of living and reasoning is not in harmony with Life, it is all based on rationality.
If you think about it, you will realize that you are at the mercy of uncontrollable elements, and you are surrounded by them: neither nature nor the whole universe can be controlled by you, as they do not conform to regulations created by the human being, but he has not even remotely understood this.
To pretend to justify or evaluate events, only with a rational Mind, causes confusion.
What then is the right approach to take? That of the person who observes and tries to understand what Life is allowing to happen. At the same time strengthening within himself the certainty that Life is the only Maestro that we must follow, then he will discover the lesson, how to reflect on the event, and this will allow him to reach a more precise interpretation.
Random events are not “accidents” that happen, they are simply unexpected events, that Life has planned for us.
We cannot control Life, it is Life that controls us. If we try to, we become depressed and feel insecure, because just by wanting to control the situation means that we expect certain results, which don’t happen. In the end, when we are repeatedly denied the results we expect, the depression and insecurity gets worse, because we feel unable to control the events of our Life.
We must simply understand that Life controls us, not the opposite.

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