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To Survive

( Original in Italian – Sopra(V) vivere – Sur (surmount) live)


A compact and radiant Energy does not fear death, but it often needs to “survive” the energetic storms that take place within it.
Energies that are mature and less contaminated by earthly logic, have the prerogative of being able to avoid the debilitation of their Energy’s strength.
Let me explain.
The Energy that lives in an earthly body needs to defend itself from the harm often caused by the reply, given by the Mind to the demands of the Energy that needs to evolve.
This harm is usually minimal, and not decisive for the vibrational equilibrium.
It changes when the intentions are so strong and put together in such a way that they are dangerous for the energetic equilibrium.
These intentions happen every time the reply to the energy’s request is contrary to the instinct’s indication.
It is not easy to survive if you do not understand the causes that put your vibrational equilibrium in danger.
The first most frequent cause of this, is the unconsciousness of your own Being: when you only identify with logical thoughts, and stubbornly ignore your Instinct when it offers you alternative solutions.
The second cause is when the vibration of Appearance has ascendancy over the vibration of Being.
These causes may seem similar but they are profoundly different.
In the first, there could be, albeit very weak, a trace of good faith in not paying attention to your Instinct. Here, the Instincts requests for different answers is willfully ignored as something fastidious, and the person’s behavior is based on earthly logic. He observes the event, only as something that has happened by chance and cannot read any other meaning into it, differing from earthly logic.
The situation is much more complex in the second cause, because the person has already reached, but not yet consolidated, the vibration of Being, and faced with an energetic request, he replies with the vibration of Appearance.
Clearly, until the Being is not consolidated, replying only with the vibration of Being to your actions, is arduous.
The consequences of this behavior is clearly felt by the Energy which is unable to tolerate the imbalance, and so it sends out signals of distress.
In the first case, the person feels confused, anxious and unable to behave in a simple undeviating way, and finds himself obsessively rethinking about what he has done, until he understands that his way of behaving was wrong.
When at last he understands what his Instinct, from the beginning, had signaled to him, the right way to act…..he is relieved and understands that he has learnt something.
In the second case the reaction is much stronger, I could even say dramatic. Here, conscious of having ignored the Instinct, a strong sense of danger is felt together with anxiety, confusion and fear, an explosive vibration for energetic harmony. The person feels extremely afraid because he has failed regarding his energy, and often can only see the destruction of his self, as a way out of the situation.
This explains those situations where apparently well balanced individuals suddenly isolate themselves and lose any interest in Life, sometimes even to committing suicide.
It is easy to survive if you call on that splendid Vibration of Humility, that allows us to read this behavior for what it really is, without feeling guilty, and unafraid to analyze events in their true Light.
It is natural for the individual, who needs to experience certain situations, to make mistakes, it is not natural to carry on making the same mistakes when replying to the same energetic solicitations. Nothing is ever completely compromised, because the Energy will always attract other similar events until the individual learns to give the correct answer.

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