To Surrender to Yourself | Carla Parola Official website To Surrender to Yourself – Carla Parola Official website
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To Surrender to Yourself


Let us concentrate now on a subject that we have already talked about many times, and yet it is still not totally understood: To Surrender to Life.
We have already said that the wise way to live is that of surrendering ourselves.
When we surrender ourselves, it is presumed that we understand to whom and what we are surrendering to.
When we say … Life, there are those who identify Life with God, and those with Evolution.
NOW, let us focus on these ideas: Life, Evolution,God,Us.
We are God, Life, Evolution, therefore to surrender to Life means substantially, to surrender to ourselves, to the noblest part within us.
The first consideration we must give is this, what possibility do we have to control Life?
If we are honest and rational, and adhere to reality, we must reply: very little possibility, practically none.
So then we must ask ourselves the opposite: not “Can I control Life?” but say, “ It is Life that controls me”
Here we return to reasoning about Life as part of us, the superior part, the part that adheres to the cosmic Forces without the limits of time, or the earthly three-dimensionality, and consequently without the obstacles that come from the inability to foresee or hypothesize the future.
We can program, hypothesize, and think about the future, but no-one can give us the certainty that everything will go according to our plans.
This is because the cerebral, rational part of us does not possess this parameter in an active form, and so has no knowledge of the imponderable, the coincidence, the unexpected.
When we want to surrender it is because we do not have solutions.
The desire to surrender to Life happens always when we can’t find solutions, when we have no way out, when all our hypothesizing and programming is getting us nowhere, and we cannot go on.
Then the desire to surrender to Life springs into action.
With time, we must learn that there is no need to get into such a situation before surrendering, but we can surrender every time we have a choice, or when we have doubts if something is right or wrong.
Surrendering to Life means putting ourselves into the ideal condition where we leave action to our superior part, the divine part within us, and through this part we an act, understanding and seeing the solutions.
Often, we stop when faced with the events that Life offers us ( that we have attracted) because we are afraid and disoriented.
The first impulse is to understand it and deal with it using our programming skills.
When however we realize the limits of our actions and programming are insurmountable, because we have not got the ability to foresee what will happen, then we must surrender.
If we do so Immediately, our journey will be easier, simplified, and smooth, because we have the Awareness that we are not surrendering to something abstract, to a far away God with little interest in us, who can be distracted by other situations. We do not surrender to Evolution that maybe has no consideration for us, and goes its own way. We do not surrender to Life that often we refer to as a hostile stepmother, but we surrender to ourselves, the highest part within us which is God,Evolution,Life.
These three Forces, are a single Force, and clearly wish to use us to help Life proceed in a more effective way, to lead humanity towards progress, and above all to teach us what we need to vibrate in Harmony with the superior Force, that is within us.
Having reached Harmony, the journey becomes easy, problematic situations have quick solutions, and no longer do we have to search for them, they arrive on their own.
To reach the state of Surrender means that we have arrived where Life wanted to lead us, where we wanted to be when we decided to come down onto this Earth.
We did not come down just to have some experiences, to achieve purely material results, we came on Earth to understand the mechanism that animates us, that permeates us, to become aware of being that superior Force, and therefore the moment we have understood that we must live this Force actively, not passively, Surrender is automatic.
We must not surrender therefore to external situations, but to the superior part of us which guides us, that knows why we are here on Earth, the part that smooths the path until our work, our gifts bear fruit.
All this happens because Evolution absolutely needs to use each one of us: it has to use us because the Evolution of humanity is an individual fact that becomes collective; so there is no abstract Evolution, but an Evolution that takes charge of every cell present on this Earth, and forcing it towards Evolution, creates the Evolution of all human species and the planet Earth in it’s entirety.



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