To Surrender Oneself | Carla Parola Official website To Surrender Oneself – Carla Parola Official website
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To Surrender Oneself


Let us place within ourselves the vibration of Surrender.
We are Surrendering to the stream of Life.
In Surrendering there is the Awareness that every moment that we live, leads us to an evolutive state of greater consciousness.
We Surrender ourselves with a certainty that surrendering to Life cannot harm us.
We relinquish our thoughts, we let them go and accompany them away from our Mind, we acknowledge them, we do not repudiate them, but we do not hold onto them.
Are these thoughts ours?
Are we absolutely sure that all our thoughts are the products of our Mind?
Couldn’t these thoughts be introduced from the outside, and then elaborated by our Mind?
There is a big difference.
If the thought is mine, created by me, then it must be necessary for me to face the subject matter of this thought.
If on the other hand, the thought is the fruit of external manipulation, such as other people, society etc, that I elaborate and become involved in, am I sure that this is good for me?
This point needs to be analyzed.
A thought that is not an expression of a personal need, but induced by others, can be very negative, and lead to a waste of Energy, because the subject matter is of no benefit to me.
We must listen to ourselves with great attention, constantly analyzing the kind of thoughts that come to us, and strongly refuse those thoughts that are of no use to us.
To debate ideas that we cannot resolve, just for the pleasure of the argument, weakens the Energy as it withdraws from the situation.
The thought that is an expression of our own volition enriches our Energy.
These are demanding times, and to some degree very onerous, there are so many areas of contention that are pressing, but they are mostly confusing. The information that bombards you at this moment causes more confusion than anything else.
I am not only referring to practical information or media news, and reports of what is happening, but information on an energetic level.
There is a great surge of ideas, demonstrations, suggestions and information, all characterized by confusion.
How can we avoid this confusion?
Accepting the fact that we must only consider thoughts that are in harmony with how we feel.
We must not judge a thought as right or wrong in itself, if we feel an affinity with the thought, then the thought is ours. If we feel it alien to us, then without judgement, we remove it.
Try to stay on the outskirts of this confusion, do not enter the chicken coop, where everyone is screeching, not even one harmonious song can be heard!
We will stay on the perimeter and observe.
There is already a protection if we do this, because we are not involved, or trampled on by the disharmonious chorus.
Staying at the margin, doesn’t mean that we are not participating in Life and Society, but it is just a moment of protection for ourselves, for the path that we have taken, for the Awareness that inspires us, for the resolution that must always be present within us, to go towards Evolution and Harmony.
There are many people at this moment who are standing in the corners, looking on from a distance, not wanting to be involved. They are just protecting themselves and should not be judged in a negative way.
This mechanism can be applied to any event that Life offers us: when we do not understand the meaning, when the purpose of the event is not clear, withdraw and wait, give Life time to unravel the confusion and offer you the event in a clear, constructive, resolvable way.
How is it possible to live on the perimeter when everything around us seems to press us for decisions?
With Humility, remembering that as we are part of the Whole, we have a right to get the solution, and as part of the whole, WE ARE the solution; if we cannot find it, it is because Life needs more time to elaborate all the elements, to then offer us the solution.
The purpose of the complicated, confused, unclear event, is so that we can know ourselves better.
All that is inherent in the event is needed by us so that we can emit vibrations, and only when we do this in the correct way will the solution appear.
The solution is already there, it is part of the event itself.
In the event there is the solution and the complication.
When we remain at the margin, and expect that it is Life that will offer us the solution, we will avoid the complication.
Life will always answer our call for help, when we surrender with Humility.
When we do not recognize Life, when we always want to be doing things and we complicate everything, then Life is silent.
Surrendering to Life is the goal.

We become the means used by Evolution when we surrender to Life.
Surrendering to Life is the real purpose of our presence on Earth.
Only then can we leave the margins and throw ourselves into the fray, because at that point, we will have a protection that no one can undermine, and even in the middle of a chicken coop, we will be able to sing, a different song, it will be ours.
We will not allow ourselves to be confused, we will not be afraid of the fray, of others, of events, because we will be in alliance with Life.
Let us surrender ourselves with trust, with Awareness, and with the certainty that this is what Life wants from us, and with the same certainty, be sure that Life will greatly reward us.

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