To Persist in Wanting | Carla Parola Official website To Persist in Wanting – Carla Parola Official website
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To Persist in Wanting


You don’t always get what you want.
This is a rule that regards everyone.
However the interesting thing is the way that each of us reacts to this fact.
If I don’t get something I blame it on bad luck, or stubbornly persist, thinking that in doing so I will manage to get what I desire.
The right way to face such a situation is to stop for a moment and reflect on why Life has denied us what we want, even if we have done our best to make it happen, to provoke the event or meeting.
Why don’t we start by thinking that maybe Life has shielded us from a problem?
Why are we so obstinate in thinking that what we want is unequivocal, and that it is right and just that Life should satisfy us?
We must think that our wishes are sacrosanct because the urge comes from within us, and therefore we need it, it is an experience that we want to have because then the idea came to our Mind.
The result though is only what we want, and cannot be sacrosanct, and faced with the result, we must stop and consider if that need of ours is really right for us, or is it only the desire to appear, to have, to fulfill something, and by not considering the future, it could very well create difficulties for us.
I repeat, there is nothing wrong when we want something, when the desire for it is intended as a need.
To persist at all cost with negative results is simply foolish. Why don’t we understand that denying our desire is a great gift from Life, because then we will avoid future problems, we change direction, because we receive indications that are different to those of the MInd regarding our desires.
It is important to always remember this, because the moment that the human being stubbornly wants something, he becomes detached from the stream of Life, he becomes the absolute master of his own destiny, and so Life, understood as the superior part of each of us, lets him get on with it, watches, but gives no help to realize the person’s wishes.
In this case, the event will be realized only on the base of the person’s concrete, logical ability, because that desire was not for-seen in the evolutionary stream of the person, it is just a desire to satisfy the urging of the personality.
This urge of the personality is not in itself wrong, through it we can know ourselves better, understand why we have these urges, and experiences. Even so, we must have the Humility to question the results: if I don’t get what I want, I have to ask myself if it was the right thing for me, why was it so important? When I realize that I have done everything possible to achieve it, using all my ability, and have nothing to reproach myself with, and despite all this the result is negative, I must thank Life that has prevented me from experiencing a problem that I am unable to see in the event, but undoubtably is there, because Life has no interest in denying me something that is right for me.
I call on the vibration of Humility, Humility is always there, in the highest part of you, that must dominate Life in the correct, well balanced, reasonable way: to persist doing something is always useless.
It is important to reflect on the result, and with Humility, accept it.

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