To Live Now | Carla Parola Official website To Live Now – Carla Parola Official website
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To Live Now

The objections directed at living NOW are due to the difficulty of living NOW at this present moment in our existing society.

Let me say just one thing, who is able to do two things at once is very clever, has abilities that are however only material ones, Awareness is something else.
You can’t have Awareness if you do two things together, because Awareness is part of either one or the other.
Doing two things at the same time means that one will always happen without Awareness it will be superficial and careless, as if it had never taken place.
The other one will be done clumsily because it lacked continuous attention.
This results in tiredness, and a growing tension, because we are not establishing Harmony within ourselves.
What can we do when our society expects us to be programmed, and asks us for answers we are obliged to give?
We must give these answers, but the moment we do, we must concentrate only on what we are doing at that moment, and we must forget everything else that we had intended to do.
Obviously if we think about 10 things at the same time, whatever we are doing at that time is done with more fatigue and less Awareness.
It is not a mistake to program one’s Life, because our existing society asks this from us; there are deadlines to observe, schedules to respect, bookings to make. When we program Life, yes, we have to make programs, but then put them aside because it is only when we complete a specific program that we develop Awareness.
Here is an example for you: if we are living a period of heavy workload, and we are always thinking about the holidays, looking up ideas and imagining them, we are doing an injustice to ourselves, because we are ruining the holidays, as they aren’t within our reach, and at the same time, it becomes much more difficult to work because we are not completely Aware.

I want to go back to thoughts about the future, and when we imagine and fear illnesses, economic difficulties, solitude, and accidents.
All of this creates in us a state of anxiety.
So I want to give you the remedy, it is really very simple: live NOW, by living NOW there is no knowledge of a tomorrow, but the Awareness that Life is certainly ours, and that we live it together with the cosmic Forces.
If we abandon ourselves to the flow of events, if we abandon ourselves into the hands of the Superior Force, if we live in Harmony…we are preparing ourselves for a harmonious future, and if in this future there should be difficulties, because Life on Earth is also made up of these, we will have the strength and ability to overcome them.
We won’t have this strength and ability when we assume something is going to happen, because this “something” could, or could not happen, but in that hypothetical moment, Life, that has not as yet given us the “disturbing” event, has neither given us the means to overcome it.
Therefore, anxiety belongs to those of us who search for solutions for something that we don’t really know will ever happen, and so we create a double anxiety: in the future and in the present, because NOW there is no solution to a hypothetical event that regards the future.
Do not go beyond the moment you are living.
I repeat again, when contingent situations pressure you to do many things at the same time, really try to concentrate on the moment, because it is in that instant that you must give a reply to what Life is proposing, and if it proposes two things at the same time, the priority will be evident, you will understand through your Instinct the choice you must make.
Life lived in this way becomes a great deal easier because Life gives you the situations and also the solutions, it will give you testing and difficult situations, and give you the means to cope with them. If on the other hand, you only hypothesize, if it is all fruit of your imagination, you will embitter yourselves over something that maybe won’t happen, but if it should, you must have the Awareness that you will always receive the solution.

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