To Listen | Carla Parola Official website To Listen – Carla Parola Official website
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To Listen

While we relax, let the ability to listen, enter within us.
To be able to listen means you are in tune with other people, but first you must be in harmony with yourself.
Above all, listening means giving someone your complete attention.
To be able to listen attentively, deeply, with feeling and participation to what surrounds us, or is presented to us, we have to be able to apply the same method when we listen to ourselves.
Often, what happens to stop us listening properly, apart from superficiality, is judgement and the need to pass judgement while not understanding what is being said to us.
If I try to judge in a certain situation or when I am following a conversation, then I am not really listening. I am just getting ready to disagree and create conflict, and therefore I learn nothing from what has been said.
The right way to listen belongs to those who offer themselves to others with simplicity, and a great ability to listen.
The people or situations that we may face, can help us a lot, because they can reveal personal aspects of us, that we are still unaware of, or maybe keep hidden. We can recognize them by our reaction to certain situations.
What are our interior reactions? Refusal? Acceptance? Discussion? Criticism?
Listening to each other is a healthy way of living, or better still co-living.
Our first step is accepting the good intentions of the other person.
If we start off with preconceived opinions, we cannot listen to all that is being said, we just take out what we consider verifies our opinion, and confirms how the other person is mistaken, how we are right, and so we defend our ideas without having understood at all, that we are being offered something else, the chance to calmly compare ideas.
To listen, is a means of comparing our way of being, to other people’s way of being. To make our listening productive, first we must listen to ourselves.
If we don’t know ourselves, we cannot either accept or love ourselves.Everything that is external to us is not there to help us improve, it is only a reason for closure.
The person who doesn’t “know” himself, who is always justifying his ego, cannot accept anything external that obliges him towards self analysis, especially if he is not used to doing it, he will refuse whatever is offered to him along these lines, by others.
Listening is of great importance during this phase of our earthly life, because there are many more individuals who have ”new” ideas, and the ability to offer innovations, that have as yet not been spoken about or discussed, but are needed by humanity.
Never has there been, as in this moment, a choir, a multitude of beings that have this mission: give to others what can be a novelty for some, and for others, only rediscovering what they already knew.
If we do not listen in a clear and precise way, without prejudice, then all that is said will vanish. Now there are more people wanting to be knowledgeable about many things, and are trying to “understand” and it is necessary that this “understanding” passes from the Mind (to understand) to the Energy ( to feel). I can hear what is being said to me, and I can understand it, so my Mind is interested in this phase; I can listen, and I can also “feel”; this is the Energy that is interested.
The first step is to listen with the Mind, and the second is to feel with the Energy.
Often it isn’t even necessary to understand mentally what is being said, it is easier to let yourself be cradled by the sounds of the words, to feel and notice them as part of yourself, even if you are not able even to repeat them. However, within us, a vibration that already belongs to us, has been set in motion by the message received.
This is the highest form of listening that can be practiced. To listen with your feelings not with your Mind.
My appeal to you is this, that you listen in a clean, transparent, concrete way, not polluted by preconceived ideas and prejudices that are part of the Mind, not of the Energy.
If the Energy is ready to feel/hear, and is then blocked by the Mind, it is
“ insulted .”
The advice given to us, is to have our Minds free and unburdened with too much information, so that we are able to really, deeply feel and accept what we are offered, and take from it, what is compatible to us.
We can eliminate from our Minds and feelings what could cause friction, without judgement, or by trying to convince others with negative opinions as to its validity, as other people could support the ideas stated, even if we cannot.
So with great serenity, we let the content of our listening flow away, so that nothing of it is left in our Mind or Energy.
This is the correct way to pay attention.


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