To Forgive Oneself | Carla Parola Official website To Forgive Oneself – Carla Parola Official website
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To Forgive Oneself


To broaden the discussion on forgiveness we come to forgiving your self.
How do you forgive yourself?
How do you – give yourselves this Harmony?
We have to understand our intentions when we acted, and believe me, 90 times out of 100, we are not to blame.
If you reason about how the facts happened, the context that provoked it, the situations that contributed to your actions, you will already forgive yourselves, because you have understood, that faced with that situation, you acted in that way, because at that moment, your disposition was such that you couldn’t act in any other way.
The situation is different when there is the intention to harm, because you started off intending to do so, to hit out, so here there is dishonesty, here one must make atonement, understand the mistake, and that the blame cannot be laid on unfair situations or external
circumstances that led us to committing the offense, but it was the desire to do so that animated our action.

At this point, what are you going to do?
You promise not to do it again, and are grateful to yourselves for understanding; in this way we show love for ourselves because even if we have done something that has damaged us, with profound humility we have understood and promised not to do it again. Therefore automatically we are forgiven, because we donate humility and Harmony to ourselves.
Then if Life wants us to verify this promise, we will find ourselves in the same situation or with the same person, and then we’ll have the chance of making our promise real.
Otherwise it is enough that you have profoundly understood: I understand that I have made a mistake because I shouldn’t have sent out a negative intention.
However, I repeat that these cases are rare, because very few people harm others on purpose.
Bad actions happen when you reason in a distorted way, so then you need to ask yourselves: “Am I guilty of acting badly if at that moment I reasoned in an earthly way and therefore my reasoning was contaminated by society, my education, and everything that is imposed on me by my environment?”

I am not guilty, because at that moment I could only act in that way, I would be guilty if I acted like that NOW, NOW that I am no longer influenced by society, religions and earthly habits, but have understood with a different Awareness that I must act using other principals, other parameters.

NOW I would be guilty, but THEN I wasn’t, so now let Love surge within me, for myself.

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