To Forgive | Carla Parola Official website To Forgive – Carla Parola Official website
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To Forgive


It is necessary now for each of you to forgive.
It is necessary to forgive, to give yourselves Peace and Serenity.
You must not hold within yourselves vibrations that are not suitable for the continuation of your Evolution.
Nothing, absolutely nothing must you keep within yourselves that could obscure your Energy.
Only through forgiveness will you be able to give yourselves the gift of Peace, Serenity and tranquility, a wonderful state to reach: the Harmony of your Energy.
It is your Energy that is asking all this from you.
Anxiety can have different meanings, it could mean that you are unable to controll yourselves, that you cannot cope with the urges coming from within you, that are either upsetting, troublesome, overwhelming or unbearable to you, but it can also mean that your Energy is in a frenzy, it is trying to get your attention by giving out signals every time there is a situation that obscures it.
When your Energy’s signal bothers you, it is because it is obscured, and you become anxious instead of being calm and tranquil.
Your Energy wants to be tranquil, so problems should be dealt with without getting caught up in anxiety arising from them.
You must not be anxious.
Now I want to go back to Forgiveness.
In each one of you there are episodes in your lives, events that are still there, they don’t hurt you any more, they don’t cause you anxiety, but they still haven’t been resolved, you have simply set them aside.
Having reached Awareness, you realize that they aren’t important, and you don’t need to go back over them, that there is no point in making a problem out of events already behind you, but this doesn’t mean that they have been assimilated or metabolized or understood. They have only been put on hold by the Energy, and it’s this that causes the Energy’s obscurity.
The vibration is obscure because it has absorbed this situation.

Why is it important to forgive NOW? Precisely because you must be able now to give yourselves this gift of Harmony.
Nobody can give it to you, it’s up to you to reach inside yourselves and demand Harmony from yourselves.
However, this won’t happen while there are unresolved situations, only stability will bring Harmony.
With serenity that also means detachment, go back and review everything you have left suspended.
To be serene means not to allow yourselves to be bothered by the vibrations responsible for the event, but to observe, analyze and above all be detached.
This is extremely important. It is much less important to resolve the situation practically, that is, it is less important to ask forgiveness, or to go back to those situations to try and make up for what happened or, try actively in other ways.
What is important is to deal with them within your selves.
Events have two aspects: earthly, material and tangible ones, and those on a cosmic level, the Energy’s level.
When you want your Evolution to be true, be authentic, be real, you must deal with situations on a cosmic level.
Then if your Energy asks you for confirmation of your desire to forgive and deal in other ways with deferred situations, then it will re-present them, it will allow you to meet those people again, and put you in the same situations, and then you must show that you have understood and forgiven.
Let me say again that it is not important to deal with all of this with your Mind, to go and look for the person or situation to actively carry out Forgiveness, it is important to understand within yourselves that not to Forgive is impossible, because you have nothing to forgive to anyone, it is only your Mind that has made you collect situations, grudges, and splinters that are nailed into your Energy and NOW must be removed.
No one has anything to forgive, only to give, therefore, give understanding, give love, and above all let your opinions be given with transparent serenity, so they are no longer judgments but merely an acknowledgment of events.
Acknowledge events and not arrive at conclusions, because these would be YOUR conclusions, and therefore you would risk giving to situations and people, what you think, the connotations that YOU consider the most suitable for those people and those events, but you are not those people or those events and so you cannot claim the right to judge, only to forgive.


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