To Be Aware | Carla Parola Official website To Be Aware – Carla Parola Official website
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To Be Aware

This message must not be considered as a summary of previous ones, but as an encouragement to move forward. How do we do this? By acquiring more Awareness.
Awareness isn’t something abstract, it is a very powerful and precise vibration that happens with every gesture we make, every act we do, every thought and every event that we solve or not. It leaves within us an exact information, one of Awareness.
Without Awareness, Life on this earth is superficial, practically a Life that is not lived.
Why must we insist on Awareness? Because it permeates the human being and in doing so, helps the person to take a big step forward.
The same thing, encounter, situation or theme that we find ourselves facing, can never be continuously dealt with in the same way. It must always be dealt with using a greater Awareness. However, if we are not using Awareness every time we do something, we will continue to act always in the same unconscious way.
We could complain that Life is always the same, and the same situations always turn up in the same way, that we attract the same type of person or events. This happens because acting without Awareness, we deal with them in the same way.
The person who is Aware or Conscious, can take big steps forward, but sometimes they can be so disorienting that they scare us, because it changes how we see things and particularly how we see people.
It is in our nature to judge others, not only facts, but other people’s behavior. Increasing Awareness within us, changes how we judge others, even if it is well meaning, because we have a different perception of reality; something has clicked within us, which means that we see things in a different way.
This can be confusing, we can even think that we are too permissive, to open to new things, too ready to make excuses for other people.
If previously we judged in a rigid, selective way, if our way of judging was absolute, then we can feel confused.
It is however, a confusion that we must shake off, because we must adhere to an Awareness that gradually becomes enhanced.
We must have the courage to embrace it within ourselves, because we have searched for it, we are committed to attaining it, and embracing it, we must follow it.
If with this greater Awareness, our vision of others and events is different, we must not be scared. We must simply make a space within us for this new information.
When we look for faults in other people, when we criticize their behavior, when we are scandalized by things we don’t understand, because they are alien to us, we are doing nothing else but refusing the lesson that Life is offering us precisely through the diversity that we are judging.
Nobody says that we must follow or take in attitudes that are alien to us, but the fact that they are not part of what we believe in, doesn’t make them wrong.
Those who practice other Life styles, other ways of dealing with events and situations, are not wrong just because they are different to ours, they are simply other people.
Nevertheless, they are part of the Whole just like us, therefore we are one.
We are the other person, and the other person is us.
In the other person, there is that part which we have refused, but in them it is active, evident and sometimes even displayed. Why is this? Because the other person needs to live that way.
In us, that part is inactive, silent, subdued, but this doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.
We are all made in the same way, within us there is everything because we are part of the Whole. We need the diversity of others to help us understand ourselves.
Those parts of us that are subdued, that we don’t live, activate or display, are important, because they give equilibrium to the other parts that we do display.
To accept other people, means accepting oneself, and all this can happen when Awareness is part of the way we live, when we constantly commit ourselves to be guided by Evolution, so that time after time we can act with an ever greater Awareness, and so create within ourselves ever more Harmony.

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