To Act | Carla Parola Official website To Act – Carla Parola Official website
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To Act


The message that I am dedicating to you this evening is brief, direct and suitable for each one of you.
Don’t think that you are in error.
You must absolutely not, in any way, dishonour all the input you have now within you.
You can’t ignore what you feel and perceive, and it has become part of your Energy by the knowledge, speculation and information acquired through mental reasoning.
When you act, be coherent with everything you feel within you, don’t doubt yourselves, don’t go back on your decisions, don’t repeatedly go over the same reasoning.
Abandon yourselves to your Instinct and act accordingly.
If an error occurs, it won’t be an important one, and your Instinct will immediately suggest how to put it right. This is because you act with the right intention, and so by acting with your Instinct there isn’t even the slightest culpability.
This is important because otherwise you won’t progress.
You always have the opportunity to understand, understand and again understand…….. then the moment comes when you become aware, your inner feelings take over……but the third step must be… to act.
If you don’t act according to all you have understood and then
perceived, you will regress, and consequently harm your Energy, which has given you every chance to understand.
Saying this I don’t mean that you will be infallible, I’m only saying that NOW you must enter the third phase of Evolution which is of simplicity, linearity and relativity.
You can have all this when you act listening to your Instinct, without reasoning it out too much, without the fear of making a mistake or questioning yourself every time.
It is important to put your trust in Life which will point out to you the right way.
If you are facing an event or a situation NOW, it is because you have attracted it, and Life offers it to you so that you can act with your Instinct. I repeat again, don’t go back over the same decisions, the same thoughts, and above all don’t feel guilty.
Try to be yourselves in a truly complete way, with simplicity and as steadfast as possible.

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