Silence is always with you, a true companion during your Lifetime, it should be feasible: quiet, and above all, with very few thoughts.
When there is Silence within you, all the events that Life asks you to deal with and develop, are dealt with rapidly, with precise, resolute and swift instinctive actions.
To try to resolve problems with a noisy Mind is complicated and difficult, and sometimes can be painfully hard work, but the same situations dealt with in Silence, are resolved quickly because Life itself will give you the solution.
Surrendering to Life does not mean avoiding responsibility, or to belittle yourselves, it just means you are choosing the wiser path, and have asked guidance from the divine part within you.
Every thought and problem you have to face, every doubt that comes to your Mind must be immediately quietened, committing yourself to the divine within you.
If logically you do not know how to solve the situation, you should neither worry or become stressed, and do not try to find the solution, just be assured that the superior part of your being, knows what to do.
Do not think that this mechanism is valid only for the big things that happen: many vibrations are needed to make this mechanism work within you and be consolidated. So it needs you to say YES many times to Life.
Even concerning small things, when you are in doubt, ask Life to give you a sign, to help you understand which is the right path to take.
Learn to enjoy Life, learn to feel that Life is your FRIEND not your enemy, learn to LIVE in a light hearted way.
Let Silence permeate your Mind, your cells, all your being.
You will be REGENERATED through stillness and silence.
The stillness you create becomes radiant.
The situations you put aside, because you are not ready to decide or act, will return to you, with the solution already found.
HERE AND NOW, abandon all the thoughts that worry you, put them into an imaginary circle, without personalizing or giving them a connotation, just as if they are an annoying part of you.
Now think: this annoying part, these unresolved thoughts that are bothering me…GO INSIDE THE CIRCLE, and leave them there.
Do not be afraid of a mind that is “empty” it is a goal that the Energy finally has reached, and you must welcome it with joy.
With determination, coherence, strength and wisdom….LOVE YOURSELVES…. LOVE YOURSELVES……. LOVE YOURSELVES.
Do not be afraid to assert yourselves when you feel it is right.
Do not deny yourselves the joy Life gives you.