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The New Sharing


When the Earthly vibration reaches a higher level, Awareness in the human race increases.
This means that however the human lives his life, it will be taken to a superior vibrational level.
What does this all mean?
A superior vibration isn’t something you can measure: the superiority of a vibration is related to the Awareness that the human being has in a situation, event or the particular moment he is experiencing.
When the vibration increases generally, it also increases for each one of you. It means that the information channels are overloaded with opinions and notions on how to live, produced by humanity through the ages. NOW there is an acceleration towards a greater Awareness.
The result of this, is that each of us will find on his personal course, events that cannot be dealt with using the old Paradigm, and the old logical way of living, but will have to face a new way of being.
What are the new ways offered to us by Collaboration?
Most of all a profound Awareness of the meaning of our presence on Earth.
We cannot share for personal interest which excludes others, but we must collaborate so that our interests are in communion with others and help them, and at the same time, absorb from them what we may need.
Trying to live with this Awareness leads to a revolution in how we see everything. Then collaborating will not be finalized any more to personal interests, but to an evolutive goal: at last humanity will understand that they are on this Earth so that Evolution can be achieved.
We are all “particles” of this enormous, perfect mechanism, and as “particles” our task is to contribute to Evolution, not disrupt it.
Evolution uses each of us to make progress: Evolution is not abstract, and on Earth it uses us to manifest itself in concrete actions and behavior. It is one thing to speak of Evolution, it is another to understand how it manifests itself. It does so through our way of dealing with situations, which must always be very evolutive, that is, with great Awareness.
The Awareness that we use in our daily actions will change the outcome that we seek. If we act without Awareness, we can receive practical results that can gratify and satisfy us, but from the evolutive point of view, we are mortified and depressed, and certainly not satisfied.
The new way of living is offered to all of us, and Collaboration is the key to it all.
Let me repeat: The era of Competition that has brought us to this moment, is over. Its purpose was to allow the human being to develop ( positively or not, you may judge) and stimulate us.
NOW, if the human race continues with Competition, it will become extinct, because Competition has become Oppression.
Everything is becoming Oppression: how we think, act and behave, in ideas and wars.
NOW Evolution wants that the “progress” achieved by Competition becomes Collaboration.
Collaboration gives new space to the purpose of Life: help Evolution and understand that we are here to assist this process, and allow ourselves to be used by it.
Life uses us when we have totally adhered to it.
As we have discussed before; our trust in Life must be total, complete and absolute. We cannot say” I put my trust in Life, but I must be careful, just in case it makes a mistake…..forgets…or doesn’t do what I want…..”
No, trusting in Life means having the Awareness that the best part of us knows where to lead us.
This is not difficult to understand, it isn’t complicated, you only need to let go of the Mind. You must understand that the purpose of our Earthly journey is to die in a more evolved state, than when we arrived on Earth.
We must remember that as we are part of the Whole, we have perfection within us, because within us there is everything. A child for example, is undeniably more evolved than the adult, because he abandons himself to his Instinct, he does not calculate what he should do, he is able to live in the Now, which the adult tends to forget.
It is also true that the adult, when he is again able to consciously live in the Now, and making a journey within himself, discovers his own inner perfection, he takes an Evolutionary leap forward. Everyone can do this, and can be called on to do it. You may succeed or not, but this does not depend on Destiny or Luck, it only depends on you.
If you really want to commit yourself, to enter within yourself, and try to understand what the real purpose of Life is, then you will surely make this Evolutionary leap.
The moment that Competition is no longer present, and Collaboration becomes the dominant frequency on Earth, how we live will be different to how we live now.
It is useless asking yourselves how it will be: it is important to know that Evolution will lead us to a well-being, a harmony that humanity has lost.
Everything that is happening NOW, must not frighten you or create panic for the future. It must just make us conscious that we have arrived at a point where there is the possibility of annihilation, because the Competition is so exacerbated that it could reach its breaking point.
Life is giving us a turning-point, because there is a great number of humans that do not want the destruction of Earth, and Aware ness has taken over a critical mass that aspires to Sharing.
In Sharing, I repeat, there is Harmony and well-being.

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