The Lightness of Being | Carla Parola Official website The Lightness of Being – Carla Parola Official website
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The Lightness of Being

The Lightness of Being, of living.
The Lightness of living cannot exist if there is not a Lightness of Being, and there cannot be a Lightness in the human being if his priorities are his own personality and his Ego.
Why is it so important to live with Lightness? ( I have already explained that to live with Lightness does not mean to live superficially). Now it is important because the Earth is changing its vibration, and as the human being is vibrating differently, it is absolutely necessary that we adapt to this new vibration.
The vibration that is overwhelmingly establishing itself with determination on the Earth, is the vibration of Being.
In the vibration of Being, there is no room for uneasy minds, for obsessive thinking, for all those things that lead you to want to understand situations exhaustively, and often leave you without a solution.
In the Being there is only Being.
To Be yourself without reserve, to adhere to yourself with total acceptance.
Obviously this does not mean that we are exempt from trying to improve ourselves, but it will not happen until we have first, fully accepted ourselves.
When there is acceptance, then the process of improvement can begin, but let it be carried out with Lightness.
There is no point in feeling guilty, to accuse or blame yourselves for what you are, or what you are not, for what you have, or have not. It is more productive to accept what Life has already predicted for us.
Here we return to the basic concept: We have not created ourselves. Physically, our character and energy has not originated from our Minds, therefore we must accept the reality of what we are, and deal with it as best we can.
When I say that we have not even originated our energy, I mean that we do not know which parts of our Energy, are to be found in our DNA.
We are not able to know this but we must, and we can understand it, How?
Through our personality, how we express ourselves. This reveals our makeup, our characteristics.
This is the first step, but it is a step that should have been taken in the “past using your Mind to try to understand yourself with profundity.
NOW, the vibration leads us beyond this transition, to accept ourselves as we are, and pay attention to what Life offers us, convinced and aware that this is what we need, what is in Harmony with our energetic requirements, and above all, what we are absolutely able to accept and handle.
Life NEVER puts us in situations that we are not able to deal with.
Why are there so many illnesses now?
Why is it that now the human species is entering a profound crisis, and illness is a warning sign of this crisis?
NOW there can be no half measures.NOW you cannot say that you have understood and believe in something without putting it into practice with continuity.
Whatever our convictions are, we must live them with Harmony without holding back.
If we are convinced that we are absolutely a material person, and our makeup is physical not spiritual, we must therefore completely live according to Earthly logic, giving preference to the Mind, ignoring the emotional and spiritual part which is the more subtle and elevated part of the human being.
You cannot have double standards: if I think I am that only an earthly person, then I must act like one, without bothering other people, without trying to find excuses, or blaming luck or bad luck, but take responsibility for everything I believe in, because as I am an earthly being, I am attached only to these beliefs, and deny the existence of anything else. So there is me, what I want, and my ability to live and deal with it coherently.
If on the other hand, I am profoundly persuaded to be part of the Divine, a part of the Whole, then I must act on my convictions in every choice I make.
In choosing this way to live, I cannot think that I will take care of the material side, and my divine part will take care of the spiritual side of me.
When I recognized and accepted the divine as part of me, it must be foremost in my choices.
Let me go back to the issue of illness.
Illness happens because so many people are negligent regarding Evolution, even when they know and are persuaded that they need to evolve. They are not in bad faith, but as they are not consistent, their Energy suffers, and lacking in harmony, signals this situation with an illness.
Illness is an extremely important moment in the human being’s Life, because it leads him to a complete solitude in his thought process.
If I am ill, I can try to share it with others, but I am well aware that I am the only one that can find the strength to get over this period of illness.
in one way or another.
Why do I insist on coherence? Because your Energy receives oscillating impulses otherwise.
Every time your Energy expects a logical reply in the divine, not the material way, and only receives a material response, it provokes a backlash to the Energy. This throws the Energy off balance, which in its turn renders the individual also physically fragile, because he is not protected by a harmonious vibration.
To get your health back quickly, you must be coherent, believe in something, and follow it through in your life.
There are no excuses, because the Energy is not subject to the Mind, the Energy does not want to conform to the Mind’s logic. Even when our actions, gestures and behavior are in good faith, it is not an excuse, and when there is a reaction from the Energy signaling that something is wrong, you need to change your way of thinking and return to what you believe in.
Now there is a great amount of Fear on Earth, above all, Fear uses control: the more frightened we are, the more we want to control everything, particularly the thoughts and actions of others. We think about the future, try to foresee what will happen, try to forestall possible future events that might be unpleasant for us, and so we want to protect ourselves by taking precautions in advance.
This is in total contrast with what the Energy wants, which is to live NOW.
Control is something subtle that insinuates itself into our vibrations and makes us want to control everything around us to make it perfect. We want to control our behavior, other people and events. We want to plan and control to make ourselves feel safe.
Life does not grant us this because Life is Chaos. We cannot think about what will happen, or perhaps we can, but 90 times out of 100, we will be wrong. So it is absolutely useless to exercise control, and as control attracts more control, every time something does not work out as we planned, we increase the control.
Increasing control automatically increases the insults to our Energy that is no longer free to flow in the NOW.
Only living in the NOW will give the Energy the maximum nourishment it needs.
If we live in the NOW, our Energy is not overwhelmed by emotions and vibrations.
If we think about yesterday or tomorrow, our Energy is destabilized by the amount of information we have created.
If we think in the NOW, we emit only the vibration of the moment we are living, and that is the vibration that the Energy asks of us.
When I entreat you to live with Lightness, I really want to say, that everything starts with coherence, and it must make us understand that if we have chosen the path of Evolution, we have to abide by the “rules” of Evolution, and not apply earthly rules to it.
When the earthly part of us created rules, it did not consider the Instinct. Earthly rules are wide-ranging, where only one is needed:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and express Love in all your actions.
This is the only rule the human race should have.
The Energy has “rules” for Evolution that are different from earthly rules, and are connected to the Instinct, but if the human being is confused by the Mind and cannot live in the NOW, the Instinct will not be clear or strong, or distinctly perceived.
I go back to living in the Now.
Lightness can be achieved by living in the Now.
The other element that makes Lightness so precious to our way of living, is the sense of relativity.
I have already explained that we are multidimensional beings, we are on this Earth, we vibrate to an earthly frequency, but at the same time, part of our Energy is on other planets, or better still, other dimensions, and so they have diverse vibrations.
We can perceive these vibrations, because the Earth is amplifying its vibration, and this makes us more perceptive to vibrations that are becoming more similar to us.
What does this mean?
It means that we can no longer live our Life as absolute, but as relative.
That is why all the events that accompany us on our earthly journey, must be lived in a relative way, and this will greatly help you to live with Lightness.
We must be aware that nothing we have done concretely, will we take with us beyond this earthly life, but everything we have done will remain in our Energy on a vibrational level. The events and their results are not important, only the way we have developed them, and the vibrations we have emitted to Life’s requests.
If Life offers us illness, the outcome is not important, only the way we accept and cope with it.
In this case too, Lightness is necessary. You need to face up to it, moment by moment, without reflecting on the past or the future, without guilt or imagining what might happen to you. You must be convinced that you will always have the strength to overcome what Life is offering you at that particular moment.
To be light, is an exercise you must do, as most heaviness comes from your thoughts.
We must learn to accept our thoughts, the ones we attract and want to develop. If they are positive and constructive, we can let one thought attract another to construct a complete thought. If they are fastidious, destructive, full of guilt and recriminations, we must be strong enough just to observe them….and let them go.
We must clearly say to ourselves that they are thoughts that cannot help us.
This is Lightness.
Do not fight these thoughts, because when you do this you emit a force that attracts another embedding thought force, and they stimulate each other. The more you fight it off, the more it comes back. You must accept it and decide that it is not worth thinking about, because it is not constructive and can only harm you, and you already have the information that you need on the issue.
Watch it as it goes away.
I focus on the NOW, on what I am doing, concentrating with all my strength on the NOW, making it easier for the thought to fade away.
Let me repeat that living with Lightness does not mean living superficially.
There must be no superficiality when you let go of a thought, just a rapid, mostly instinctive analysis of the thought.
I only hold on to a thought that deserves attention, because it will help me build up a knowledge of myself, and I let go of thoughts that can harm me.
My wish for you all, is that you can quickly learn to live with Lightness, because this means fluctuating in the Divine stream, it means to enjoy all the benevolence in this stream. in all the occasions that Life has prepared for you, and most of all, it means that you are able to absolutely understand Life, and you are no longer weighed down by earthly thoughts, by expectations, by success linked to outward show.
I beg of you to Be, and in Being, do your very utmost to live coherently.


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