The Law of Attraction | Carla Parola Official website The Law of Attraction – Carla Parola Official website
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The Law of Attraction


Let us focus on the issue of The Law of Attraction.
When we speak about this Law, obviously we are referring to the Attraction one Energy has towards another Energy. Most importantly, we are referring to the Force that is within us, and allows us to attract other forces naturally in harmony with us.
The Law of Attraction has been talked about a great deal lately, this shows that we are not disconnected from the Universe, we are not isolated beings, but we are part of the Whole. The Whole is made up of everything: positive, negative and neutral.
By positive and negative, I do not mean good and evil, just that we all have within us, the positive, negative and neutral.
Depending on how we vibrate at any given moment, we attract the same vibration: if we vibrate positively, we attract the positive, or the negative if we are on a negative wavelength.
This is the same for every event or person that we meet.
It is necessary to be absolutely clear, because The Law of Attraction has become almost a consumeristic “market.”
There are certain theories put forward for example, that to obtain something, all that you have to do is concentrate on it, imagine and visualize it, as if it was already real.
This happens because it is our will power that realizes these situations.
This is not true, it doesn’t work like that.
We can attract a situation, but it does not mean that this situation is going to be good for us.
Let me explain better.
We live in a sea of vibrations and frequencies. Our mind is based on the earthly vibration, therefore our thoughts are earthly, logical and rational, but within us there is also the instinctive part, the superior vibration that I will call: the divine vibration.
This is the vibration that puts us into contact with the Universe, the vibration that exclusively “knows” what we do not know, because the Mind, even of those extremely intelligent and wise, is limited by time and space.
The Mind cannot know what will happen tomorrow, what situations we will have to face.
So all our hypothetical desire to attract events is limited by our thoughts.
Our divine part does not have these limits, because it transcends rationality, it is the Instinct within us that urges us to stop, to accelerate or to go in one direction or another.
When we reach the divine frequency, we no longer have desires, because we have entrusted our Life into the hands of Life itself.
We have surrendered to the stream of Life, certain and aware, that it will choose and offer us, what is best.
This is a step we must take, and it can be difficult because we are in the habit of controlling events. We feel good when we control situations.
I am not saying that,“to want” is wrong, absolutely not.
Through our dreams, our hopes, our desires, we learn about ourselves, we test ourselves, assessing our ability to implement events.
I repeat that all this belongs to the earthly part of us, controlled by the Mind.
Therefore, we cannot believe that the Law of Attraction can take over and attract what is best for us.
No. We attract what our mental state allows us to attract, without knowing if it is right for us.
We cannot know, simply because we do not know the future, and we do not know what alternative Life may have in store for us.
I insist on saying that the Law of Attraction must not become a business. We must not concentrate on something hoping to attract it; we must merely be aware that when we vibrate on the divine frequency, our desire to “have” ceases. We become absolutely aware that Life will offer what is best for us.
Then it is up to us to deal with the meetings and events with earthly logic and rationality.
We have understood that to desire and try to elicit events, is to comply still with the base of earthly living, and will not give us sure results.
We probably can attract a job for ourselves, but that doesn’t mean it is the best one, or the one that Life had predicted for us.
So there are two ways to live. One is the person who wants to control Life, who wants things, and works to obtain them. I repeat that there is nothing wrong with this way, because if a person vibrates on this frequency, it is right that he acts in this way.
The second way of living, is the person who has understood that Life should be left in the hands of Life itself, and Life’s aim is to help our Energy, our Being, our Self, vibrate harmoniously.
It is important that we have a harmonious inner self, that allows us to face any kind of situation, in a calm and harmonious way.

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