The Last Phase | Carla Parola Official website The Last Phase – Carla Parola Official website
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The Last Phase


The single human being who vibrates on the frequency of Being, in a state of Awareness, needs to be careful not to slide backwards into an energetic imbalance.
This sliding happens every time thoughts are swayed by earthly logic in opposition to cosmic logic.
let me repeat again, that the only law that the human being receives from the cosmos is:
love yourself, and do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
on the planet earth, there are many pressing requests.
Every day, events and news headlines lead people to start thinking and take sides.
The temptation to defend earthly beliefs, the fear of becoming contaminated by other people’s ideas and way of life, can lead a person to not completely express his real self, and thus he becomes incompatible with the cosmic Forces that are within him.
Many beings feel that they are not only made up of matter, they are aware that they have an Instinct that guides them, but when the moment comes to take sides with cosmic logic, they stumble through fear, and let themselves be taken over by mob logic that has little to do with the basic rule of earthly living: love yourself, and do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
I will call the last, this earthly phase, because in the completion of an energetic frequency, there is a need to join up to similar vibrations to form energetic fields to urge and consolidate the new earthly phase.
Many people think that we need to act in a practical way, coming together, talking and comparing. This can be useful when the single person has still not consolidated his Being. Otherwise, when the vibration of Being is stabilized and lived with a convinced Instinct, it is enough simply to live.
Let your thoughts flow naturally, do not become upset and try to change the world, just be Aware that the Human Race will change, because a great amount already live in a coherent and conscious way adhering with respect to cosmic logic which commands you to: love yourself, and do unto others as you would have them do unto you.


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