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The Future Again


Let us talk about the “future” even if we have understood that Life is eternally in the present.
We, as human beings, have the tendency to think that time is linear therefore there is a past, a present and a future.
We often become moody when we think about the future.
This is because we imagine that the future will be rosy, our expectations satisfied, and that Life will gratify us by giving us what we most desire. Usually the Future is so obscure that it makes us anxious.
We must realise that we are creating the Future living in the present.
The present moment is the sum of everything that we define as the past, because in the present moment we are everything that we have lived, metabolized and dealt with, so in the present moment we ARE.
Based on what we Consciously develop in the present, we create the Future.
We must not see the Future as something already programmed, something inevitable, unavoidable, forced on us, that we cannot control.
We cannot control the unexpected – that is true –but as there are many kinds, both joyful and painful, by living well NOW we have a good chance of attracting a joyful future.
We have often talked about the two polarities, the one of Being and the other of Appearing. When we decide to live with great Coherency and always in the polarity of Being, the word Future seems vague as if it doesn’t belong to us, because our Life is in the present moment, in the HERE AND NOW, and so there is very little space left to think about how the Future might be, and above all, living like this we neutralize the anxiety and uncertainty of thinking about something we know nothing about and cannot control.
We are always talking about the great changes that are taking place on Earth. We all feel pervaded by a different spirit: we want things to change because we know that as things are, we are not going anywhere.
The mistake we must not make is to expect that change will come from outside, that it will be the world and society that will change.
Change will come only if each one of us changes. This is absolutely obvious.
As it is impossible for the world and society to change from one moment to another, we must be smart enough to activate the change we want, and so we ourselves must change.
We can do this simply by living in the polarity of Being, and giving the best of ourselves.
When we live in this polarity, we are really on another track, and everything that is not in Harmony with this polarity becomes very indistinct to us, like a distant echo.
We can be aware of a train that flashes past in another polarity, we hear the noise and the movement of the air, but it doesn’t really bother us because we are on a parallel track.
We must always pay great attention to our actions; be certain that in the Here and Now we can find everything we need for our Evolution, and for our Energy.
To remain in this polarity, few concepts and thoughts are necessary.
One is the Awareness of being part of the Whole, of the Universe.
The second is, that as we are part of the Universe, we are conscious of submitting to the laws that regulate the Whole, and being aware that the Whole would never harm us.
When I speak of the Whole, I can mean Life, Evolution, God; the concept is always the same – the superior part of us that must also have the Force to influence our mental part.
The first question we must ask ourselves is; what are we?
Afterwards we must feel in the deepest part of us, excluding the mind – that we belong to the Whole, and by this we are in a privileged position, because all the burdens and confusion of Life, assume another meaning when they are dealt with in the polarity of Being.
When we have this certainty, we are able to understand that it is useless to speak of the Future. The future is unknown to our Mind but is known to the superior part of us, because it is part of the polarity where time doesn’t exist. When we give the priority to this part in our lives, then we will live well, Life will flow easily. We will recognize that all the obstacles and difficulties Life gives us are only means to make us reflect and know ourselves better.
When we are faced with enormous problems, it is because we have refused to learn, and so we will be faced with them repeatedly until we surrender to Life.
Then everything changes, a conscious surrender was the goal, and now you become a dynamic free-flowing individual, inserted in the stream of Life, ready to be guided by the divine within you.




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