The Flower, the See and….Us | Carla Parola Official website The Flower, the See and….Us – Carla Parola Official website
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The Flower, the See and….Us


The title could also have been “The Seed, the Flower….and Us” and maybe it would have seemed more logical. Yet there is never a flower without a seed, just as there is never a seed without a flower.
Obviously it is a question that has raised many discussions, like the hen and the egg, and we still don’t know which came first.
Returning to us now, this unresolved puzzle gives us an idea of how we have lived with a totally limited mentality, so much so that we have never been allowed to see beyond it.
We have elaborated theories about the Creation and Evolution, but we have been unable to untangle the basic question: which came first the seed or the flower?
Why do we want to arrive at us, through the flower and the seed?
Because we can apply the same mechanism to us: we have never considered ourselves” without time”
To discuss if the flower or the seed came first simply means to discuss in a linear way, with a linear time where there is a before, a present and an afterwards.
It is not like that in the Universe: there is no before or even an afterwards, there is only a “without time” that regulates everything.
It would seem to be a metaphorical discussion, but it is Reality.
We want to perceive ourselves as human beings with a past and a future, but we do an injustice to Reality, as we are beings “without time”
We have a material body that lives in a three-dimensional way in a temporal dimension, which at a certain point is destroyed, or to say in a better way, is turned into elements.
Our Energy however is without time.
Everything that we do, we say, all our thoughts remain imprinted in our Energy, they do not leave the “field” with our physical body, but remain on the Earth, in the Universe, they don’t disappear, but remain.
We make a fundamental error when we speak of reincarnation, because we refer to before and after, but everything happens contemporaneously.
So why do have the impression of before and after?
Just because we are on an Earth where time exists.
What is time?
Who has decided what time is?
We have to have the idea that the change in us was provoked by Evolution: we change because we are programmed for change.
The change is based on physics, so it is visible for us, but also on an energetic base, because we are made of Energy.
To reason like this seems to get us nowhere, and is not pertinent to our lives, but it is fundamental because if we, by virtue of the New Paradigm that urges us to acquire new ways of thinking, begin to realize that we are not beings with an end (linked to the before and after), and we stop reasoning as “I was” or “I will be”, but simply” I AM” then how we perceive Life changes.
We must force ourselves to perceive ourselves as eternal beings, because that is what we are, with all our pulsations, thoughts, energetic emissions: we really are eternal beings.
Therefore there is no reason to think about what has been or will be, we must accept the Reality as it is: the moment we see a flower we admire it for what it is. It can happen that there is a flower without a seed, or a seed that is lost, but this doesn’t mean that the variety is lost: everything continues anyway, and we mustn’t stop on the details, but force ourselves to see and perceive ourselves in the same global way. This means, as eternal Energies of the Universe that are inhabiting a body for a moment, because thorough this they need to have experiences that will not be lost.
If we change our thoughts regarding this, it will lead us to live a Life in a more carefree more relative way, because really nothing is absolute.
We simply have experiences that help us mature our Awareness.
These experiences are earthly, material, linked to the Earth, because in this “moment” we are Aware of being on this Earth.
As eternal, multidimensional beings, we are also in all the other dimensions” without time”
In the seed the flower is already there, with all its characteristics, and that seed will not create a different flower, it adheres to its programming. That seed is programmed to produce that flower, not a different one.
The flower knows that at the end of its journey, it will produce a seed, but the flower is complete in itself.
This is what we must think of ourselves: we are complete beings, within us there is already everything.
In this moment it is as if we are a flower, and as such we perceive our physical aspect, with our earthly problems, because NOW this flower is on Earth, and the flower will produce a seed that will already have the imprinting of the future flower.
In this sense there is a temporal continuum, but if we go into the Universe of “without time” it is the same Energy that permeates the flower and the seed, and determines both of these.
This is difficult to understand living in three dimensions, just as it is difficult to abandon the concept of time.
We must remember that we are subject to an intelligent programming that governs and regulates the Universe.
Everything in the Universe is based on Laws and Regulations that have not been created by the human being, but by a superior intelligence that regulates everything including the seed, the flower and us.
Too often our Ego, the human personality annuls the perceptions that come from our inner Self, our instinct which is none other than the image, the photo of this superior intelligence.
When we say we are part of the Whole, it is because we are the Whole, it is within us
This thought must never abandon us, because it makes us live in a relative way.
Do not become disoriented faced with these ideas, that must not speak to the Mind, but to the Energy; wanting to understand, analyzing them, will logically lead us to ignore our deepest instinct. Instead our Instinct is relieved by this reasoning which lead to a Lightness of living that otherwise we would not have.
We love ourselves more when we feel that we are eternal beings, it takes us to a dimension where the time that we live NOW, is a very small thing, so small that it is hardly worth ruining one’s life over it.
This perception of an extremely limited and relative time compared to the Universe, the infinite, the eternal being, makes us feel part of an enormous, marvelous dimension, that loves us, and above all it makes the daily problems that bother us, absolutely relative.


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