The Ego = The Self | Carla Parola Official website The Ego = The Self – Carla Parola Official website
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The Ego = The Self

Let our Minds be relaxed and try to create a void where we can consider this phrase: The Ego = The Self.
Forcing ourselves NOW to think of ourselves not as an Ego ( an individual, a cohesion of characteristics, personalities and feelings), but to see ourselves as Energy placed in the Universe, in a harmonious Whole which includes, permeates, stimulates and encourages us, and therefore definitively must guide our actions, our lives, our behavior.
Ego = Self is a belief, that every day must be lived in its totality, with commitment and continuity.
The goal that every Energy must reach, is to become a” being” that lives and is aware of oneself as a Self instead of an Ego.
Why am I telling you this? Because it is important for you to know that on the Earth at this moment there are many Forces that oppose this Self.
It would not be right to talk of negative Forces; they are Forces that have Earthly vibrations, and precisely because they are nourished by a multitude of earthly beings, they are extremely tenacious and very strong
These Forces have given have given Earthly living its essence, they are the Forces that have brought conflict and duality, and in a certain sense, obliged you to exploit each other for survival.
They are tenacious Forces that have predominated for thousands of years, and their position is therefore consolidated.
Consolidated does not mean however that they must remain masters of the Earth.
This consolidation shows signs of destabilization, because there are other Forces advancing whose strength is in the Self, whose defenses are sometimes the silent force each one has within his Self.
Now on Earth a great multitude of people are discovering this Self, it is being aroused from its previous silence, people are becoming aware and want to remove the Forces of the Ego away from their lives.
I really beg you to join this flow of Self without fear or anxiety, but do not start by saying,”What must I do? How can I do it?”
This is always all-important to the Ego: to want to act, to know, to control.
NO. The Self is surrender, trust and letting Life flow, and knowing that Life is giving you all the situations and occasions you need.
We must make just one choice: to live with the Ego or the Self.
If I continue to live as I always have done through my Ego, or I start to live through my Self, my limits change completely.
My questioning changes too, because I no longer need to know, or foster my Ego; I simply need silence, and let what Life offers, flow to me.
After that, I can develop it in my own way, acting practically, because I am an earthly being, but having the most profound Awareness that I am doing what Life wants me to do, for the one purpose that Life knows, and I know too, to create harmony within my Energy.

Therefore my aim is not a material one, or for personal advantage or for show, it is an aim that is of use, only to my Energy.
Obviously this is not incompatible with living well, following the Self does not mean that you have to be a hermit, of suffer or castigate yourself, no, Life does not want this.
Life is Love, and wants serenity for each of us, and the ability to deal with events in a harmonious way.
We can also find demanding situations in this Harmony, pain, mourning, illness, but if these events are experienced from an energetic perspective, they take on a different meaning.
Now, Life has prepared the Self for us, and it is up to us to discover it.


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