The Different Kinds of Thoughts | Carla Parola Official website The Different Kinds of Thoughts – Carla Parola Official website
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The Different Kinds of Thoughts

Every emotion needs to be “metabolized “ by the Energy.
Every vibration needs to join up with others to become a frequency.
Don’t think that your thoughts are only ephemeral elements that disappear without trace once they have materialized.
It’s not like that.
A thought is a vibration that generates other vibrations in you, which we can call emotions, sensations, information, and these all have multiple vibrations depending on the intensity of how they are perceived.
Once these vibrations are “emitted” they become part of your magnetic field and have a crucial influence on it.
In a certain sense, to think is equal to feeding oneself, it produces vibrations and affects the vibrational frequency that pervades you.
If you ALWAYS have positive thoughts, your Energy will not deviate from the positive pole.
If your thoughts waver between the positive and negative, you create an energetic instability that makes you chase after something to make you feel secure, trying not to feel affected by the fluctuation of the poles.
To ALWAYS have negative thoughts creates a negative emotional stability which shows in pessimism and an inability to enjoy life.
To be AWARE that thoughts are fundamental for our Evolution, will make you careful and responsible regarding your way of thinking.
Which are the negative, positive and neutral thoughts?
It is not easy to catalogue the pole that they belong to, because they are always just thoughts.
Let me help you with this simple consideration.
Positive thoughts do not come into conflict with your Instinct, they don’t make you anxious, or frightened, you feel that they are yours, and are part of your ability to analyze situations with an evolved spirit.
Mainly, the negative thoughts are prompted by your personality. They are thoughts concerned with the limited and precise programming of your Life, the control of every situation tainted by the fear that someone or something can harm your expectations.
They are also thoughts that lead to dubious expectations, dreams of castles in the air which lead you away from reality, and have little in them that satisfies you. ( You do not understand that the reality that you are living is offered to you by Life, and all you have to do is deal with it as best you can, and never refuse it.)
Neutral thoughts are emitted without Awareness, they leave no trace because they happen almost without you realizing it. These thoughts stay neutral until they are numerically inferior to the others.
However, when the neutral thought becomes the norm, the person feels a powerful urge to enjoy life, he feels empty within, and so is conscious of the need to make his life “lively”, but if he is unable to do this by emitting thoughts of awareness, he will fall into an energetic turmoil which will continuously “toss” him between the desire to live passively and the desire to act, his life will be a real seesaw.
For the Energy whose goal is Evolution, to pay attention to ones thoughts is necessary and inescapable.

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