The Desire to Feel Good | Carla Parola Official website The Desire to Feel Good – Carla Parola Official website
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The Desire to Feel Good


Let us talk about how to live well.
The fundamental precondition to live well is to be in harmony with yourselves.
No one can think of living well with the others unless he has a perfect understanding of himself, accepting and loving himself.
To live in harmony with yourself is often difficult because the expectations we have of ourselves are too high: often we do not really perceive our true selves, but how we would like to be.
In this way, how we interact with others, those around us, creates conflict.
Instead, to live well, all we need to do is be ourselves, give the best of us, and accept ourselves as we are, with all our faults.
We must never be ashamed of our faults and weaknesses, because they are ours: it is important to manage them with lightness, in moderation; we must not focus all the time on the inadequate part of our personality, but love and accept it, understanding that we are all different, and if we are lacking on one side we excel on another.
The equilibrium we must search for within us to feel good, is the same that we externally manifest in our relationship with others.
What can greatly help is Humility, this word I repeat often: HUMILITY.
To feel small as part of the Universe, to feel a cell of a body regulated by harmonious laws that permeate us, guide us, and to whom we must submit to whether we like it or not.
If we are able to feel ourselves as a cell, then everything is much easier.
Our personality takes second place, behind the desire to feel good with, and about ourselves.
There are periods in our lives when this is not possible because so many situations make us display and probably mystify our true Being.
Then a moment comes when we are mature, when all this seems so worthless, and we want to be ourselves completely.
We no longer need to demonstrate anything to anyone, excepting ourselves. We must demonstrate to ourselves that we know how to live well, and we live the best part of ourselves.
Often just being ourselves can cause misunderstanding with others, but if we have accepted ourselves, and our limits, we will be able to explain how we are to others, and if the others are able to apply the same method to themselves( loving themselves, accepting and understanding themselves) they will be able to understand the mechanism: I accept myself exactly as I am, therefore I must be accepted as I am, because doing this I try to give the best of myself.
Life will never ask me for something that I am not able to do: Life offers me what is in Harmony with my potentiality.
It is my personality that often yearns to” appear”, to want to be more than I really am.
All this must be abandoned, then a deep, true authentic calming peace will come within us….
Then we must love and cosset ourselves, and above all accept ourselves totally.
Remember that we have nothing to demonstrate: we must simply Be.
Every time situations create conflict, every time we get angry, when we want to make a point, we should stop and think if it is really worth it.
If in that moment we are defending ourselves from others for a principle, for show, to demonstrate something…then we must stop and really understand the pointlessness of our actions.
We are what we are, and we are neither better nor worse than other people. If others accept us or not, praise us or criticize us: we still remain exactly as we are.
To love ourselves means to have a deep knowledge and understanding of ourselves, so we are not affected by the good or bad opinions others have of us.
However we should listen when we are judged: reflect on what is said and if there is any truth in it, and to see if their judgment can lead us to better ourselves.
We cannot allow others to make us feel bad, to enter the mechanism that would make our Energy dispirited, that would debilitate our strength and only feed anger and resentment.
We must live our lives in the best way we can, with Dignity, Awareness, Sharing and Integrity.
It is best to keep away from those who like to augment Fear, who lives in a state of anxiety, who sees everything in a negative light: this way of seeing Life is of no use to ourselves or to others.
Pessimism does not change situations.
Let us accept others without judging them.
Welcome them as part of us; if we give our best to them, they could be influenced to do the same.
Let us carry within us the determination not be put down by others, by external forces, by the conditioning that surrounds us all the time.
This Life is ours and it is our duty to live it in the best way we can, no one can deter our zest for Life.



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