To take stock of a situation doesn’t mean to focus on what has been done, and judge it from every angle: it means to review it from a global, vibrational aspect.
At this very moment we are creating an energetic field that is suggesting what must be said.
It is a very strong, ”determined” field, therefore what is said this evening implies certainty, it is not merely a discussion.
Let us search within ourselves a corner we have not yet explored. Each of us have one that we have not explored because of fear.
This must be a moment of great truth, of great communion with our selves. A moment, when entering into our interior is determining: this is how I am, I have never accepted this side of me, I prefer to ignore it, it is not compatible with how other people see me, it could make me unhappy if I bring it into the open.
These are just statements.
However, this dark corner exists within us, and we cannot be happy just by ignoring it.
Why do I have to conform to other people’s expectations?
Why can’t I go all the way, and have the courage to be what I feel is right for me?
Why does the fear of other people’s judgment inhibit me?
Why do I change how I behave so that I can be accepted?
There is only one reason why; I don’t love myself.
Accepting myself I learn to know myself, and when I know myself better, then I accept myself, This process must be undertaken with Love.
As I observe you I am conscious of your energetic fields: I can sense that most of you have made peace with yourselves, welcoming Love into your lives.
However the dark corner is still there.
For almost everyone, this dark corner is related to Appearances.
Appearance means, the vibration relevant to the desire to “appear” to others in a way that will stimulate their approval of you.
There are still many people who need a positive opinion of themselves from others. They are ready to change their ideas or behavior to be accepted.
This is betraying oneself.
Interior Silence is something that can brighten this dark, dis-harmonic corner.
Therefore from this Silence, a harmonious Silence coming from the interior Harmony, an interruption occurs in this dark corner that we have not metabolized.
Silence is not frightening, it must be Harmonious.
Silence is the sum of all harmonious vibrations, managed in a perfect way.
There must be Silence without Fear.
Imagine yourselves all holding hands. You all accept yourselves, and this is the precondition to being accepted: you need to accept others. In accepting others you recognize diversity, and you respect the other person, you wish this to be reciprocated: respect and understanding.
The dark corner continues to grow smaller, Light, Clarity and Love for yourselves enters the space.
I will never tire of telling you to love yourselves. It is only by loving yourselves that you can find Harmony, Peace and Serenity.
Living on Earth now is complicated: it is a great moment of turmoil, change and great evolutionary potential.
It is only through an interior Silence that this evolutionary potential can be perceived.
Never has the external “noise” been so high, compact and deafening as it is NOW.
Never has information been so contradictory as it is NOW.
Each one of you has a path marked out, each of you who wish to achieve Harmony, to activate the divine within you, must be able to follow your own path, not one suggested by others. This path can only be found in inner Silence.
When you have doubts, when the choices seem confused, stressful and contradictory, be courageous enough to stop, be silent, and listen to the Silence.
Maybe it will take an hour, a day, a week….but the choice will happen by itself.
Always try to think of yourselves as divine beings, who have all the potential to live well, to make this Earth a true Paradise.
Fill the Silence only with sounds that are suitable for you.
Breathe deeply and relax.
This Silence has brought Harmony to your cells, it has put you into a state of quietude.
Those of you not able to reach this Silence must ask themselves why your Mind is so busy. Why do you give your Mind so much space, when the solution comes from inner Silence, not the Mind.
Respect and admire yourselves, this is the first step to really loving yourselves.
Your own Truth is within each of you, you know why you make certain choices and follow certain pathways.
Do not allow anyone to stop you.
When external pressure is strong, when conditioning disturbs you, take refuge in Silence.