The child within is nothing else but the divine Self within us.
When a child is born he is just an absolutely perfect “little piece” of the divine.
This divine Self, ALWAYS stays within us: only education and our society changes it.
When Christ said that we must become children again, that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to Children, we understand exactly this, that in time we must be able to feel our interior Self, manage to rediscover ourselves as pure, limpid “pieces “ of Love, like a newborn baby.
This is a very important step forward, because in saying the interior Child, we must be able to acquire the ability to live in the NOW.
However it is not exactly correct to say we must acquire this ability, because it is already inherent within us, we must only rediscover it.
The child is not distracted by time, look at how difficult it is for him to understand yesterday and tomorrow.
The child lives in the NOW.
When we rediscover it and live in this way, we become children again, and become one with the divine Force that permeates us.
The divine Force does not live in the before or after, it lives NOW.
Only NOW.
This is the beauty of the child: to live NOW.
We think we educate children, instead we try to reeducate them.
If we become children again, if we live our divine interior, we have fulfilled the purpose of our Lives: to live in Harmony NOW.
The children that are born now have absolutely exceptional characteristics, it is difficult to educate these children.
When society commits itself to their education, they rebel in an exaggerated way.
Then they are considered to have character problems or afflicted with disorders of some kind, but this is not true.
Their behavior should make society think about why it obstinately wants to educate children.
To rediscover the interior Child, the only quick, sure and certain way, is to think as little as possible, and only about what you are doing in that precise moment, to be constantly focussed on that moment.
Then from that moment, we will get all that we need, all that Life wants to offer us, without losing our equilibrium.
It is in the moment that we rediscover our divine.