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For NOW, the discussion about the mechanisms that regulate Energy, the motor and source of all the Universe is concluded.
Those who have followed and put into practice the principles derived from the Conscious knowledge of these mechanisms, can consider themselves to have arrived at a state of Evolution, where the Energy and matter that permeates them, is rendered harmonious.
To disagree, denying the scientific truth of these issues, will lead you to dissociate yourself from the Energetic reality that permeates everything.
The various routes the Energy must necessarily cover to reach a constructive and firmly established equilibrium, have been explained with care and simplicity, it is up to each one of you to make them your own, and above all, to take every precaution so that your energetic flow is linear.
It is of extreme importance for the equilibrium of the individual, both physical, mental and especially energetic, that energetic obstacles are not created.
These obstacles or blockages can cause considerable energetic dissipation because the Energy is then obliged to recuperate power and fluidity. It is fundamental for its Evolution that it recuperates, because there is Evolution only if energetic progress is not hindered by obstacles.
the effort asked of the Energy to stabilize on a superior frequency, needs great attention to energetic teachings. Now is not the time for complex analyzing or going over the past, there is no point in delving into your self to either condemn or absolve.
you only need to Abandon your self to Life, with trust and linearity.
All that is needed in your daily life is to apply the simple cosmic rule: Love yourself and do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
In the Love for your self is enclosed the secret of Harmony.
Love your self with Awareness.
Love your self with Simplicity.
Accept your self with the consciousness of being part of the Whole.
Accept with conviction that you have not created yourself, that your task is only to understand your self, to improve your characteristics without upsetting your basic attributes.
We are all different, but within our self is the same energetic component: the divine codes.
To be aware of this, leads you to not fight to assert your own ideas over those of other people, because the others have the same divine codes within their self, just like you.
Even if externally we are different, the energetic essence is the same for everyone.
The Earth will connect to the new frequency because ever more human beings will try to live Life’s every moment, in Harmony.
This is the mass that will change the paradigm that dominates the Earth.
They will be the ones to force the new frequency to take root.
The others will adjust with more or less effort, but even those who continue to act and think with the old paradigm will receive benefits from the vibrational change.
The benefits will be vibrational not practical, because in this latter state they will find themselves isolated, they will face those people similar to them, and they will fight to prevail over them as they have always done up to now. The energetic advance cannot be stopped because it is already happening and asks only to take root. For this to happen, it is very important that each one of you concentrate on your own self, and with great determination, fix your very Being to this new frequency. Do not ask yourselves how you can do this, do not be anxious or fearful that you will not be able to do it, those are thoughts from the old paradigm, in the new one, there is only one commandment:


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