Suffering | Carla Parola Official website Suffering – Carla Parola Official website
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Can the suffering of people we judge to be bad, have any significance in our world?
The answer is very easy: first, we must say that bad people do not exist, because, if someone judges this person as bad, someone else can judge the same person as interesting, good or special.
We must always remember that it is a subjective judgement that we make about another person, therefore it is absurd to say a bad person suffers.
We should simply say that a person suffers, without being judgmental.
Suffering is of fundamental importance in human Life: unfortunately, and it is a great misfortune that only through Suffering, the human being understands, asks questions and cross-examines himself going deeply within his Self.
The human being is like a butterfly when feeling Joyful, he darts back and forth, enjoying the moment without any questions being asked.
When Joy ends, and pain enters his Life, he sinks into himself to find the strength to deal with the hurt and pain, whereas with Joy there was only lightness.
So whoever suffers in a constructive not destructive way,(including who mistakenly is judged as bad) has a chance to recover within his self, and more important, can set in motion the desire to understand plus a constructive vibration.
NOW I would like to use a more precise example, to help you understand how the people who are judged as bad by others, deal with their pain.
I want to explain how people deal differently with Suffering and how it is extremely difficult to understand other people’s Suffering, as it will be expressed in so many different ways.
The easiest example is toothache! Until you have had it, you cannot understand how much the person is Suffering, just as you cannot understand the pain of giving birth, unless you have experienced it yourself.
However, toothache, and birth pain is not all the same, NO.
I have had toothache, so I can understand the pain another Suffers, but not the severity of it. Everyone has their own degree of Suffering.
There is no unique way of dealing with pain, each person has their own method. There is the person who withdraws into himself and isolates himself from the world, then there is the person who needs to surround himself with people, as if he is in a state of stunned confusion, and then there is the person who carries on as if nothing has happened, sealing the pain within him, unable to face it.
Therefore, judgement made concerning other people is extremely personal, because Life will not give a situation of Suffering to a person, unless that person is able to deal with it, but this type of situation can be given to someone that we consider or judge – incapable of dealing with it. Then what happens? This person seals the pain within himself, he does not ignore it, but it becomes a background to his everyday life. Externally he seems just the same person. It can happen that during his Life, this barrier, this very strong internal feeling kept in the background, can be brought to the surface through other experiences that have helped the person to mature, allowing him to face up to his situation, or maybe not: he could even die with the situation still kept in the background.
This goes to show how pain is dealt with in different ways, because pain itself is not an entity but a vibration, and vibrations fluctuate, they lead to frequencies that can be high or low.
What is absolutely sure, is that everyone changes after a period of Suffering. Whether you keep it in the background, or try to overcome it in a constructive, or destructive way, no-one is the same after a painful experience.
Suffering moves the vibration, and it is the effort that Suffering asks of you, to be understood, overcome and dealt with, that changes the person.
The limits set by a person that were his benchmark prior to the period of Suffering, change, and if they don’t change, their importance and driving force change.

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