Spirituality and Earthliness | Carla Parola Official website Spirituality and Earthliness – Carla Parola Official website
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Spirituality and Earthliness

The divine light penetrates human darkness in ways unknown to you.
When you become aware that your interior self is alert and attentive, it is the sign that you are in tune with the divine.
Everything is a divine action, emanation and pulsation which is not always revealed or felt by you.
Each one of you is formed onto the divine frequency, but not all of you are able to receive it in the right way.
The divine frequency is not to be found in Knowledge but in Wisdom, not in the exterior but in the interior.
Few understand it with their Instinct, but many can gain access to it through the analysis of one’s interior self, and searching for the right vibration with Patience and Humility.
During this search, there are moments of great fulfillment and Joy, but also of confusion and distress.
The Mind can do little to resolve this situation, only your Instinct can help you, so if you want oblivion, so be it, if you want to act, then act.
The vibrational frequencies that reach you and become part of you, must find you able to understand what is then asked of you, and this can only take place when the vibrations within you are receptive to this purpose.
All those who search with sincerity, communion with God, must be warned: avoid becoming too consumed with spirituality unless it is to assist you in your earthly living.
You are not exempted from living your earthly situations with wisdom and priority, because you are in contact with God.
You are on Earth to deal with earthly situations and events and what is tangible, not abstract, must lead you towards evolution.
If your earthly actions are guided by your intuition instead of logic, you will be allowed glimpses of blinding Truths, because the human being has only one goal, to raise his earthliness to a cosmic level, and to make his spirit progress towards God without neglecting earthly duties. He must only choose the earthly duties that are suitable, not for its social interest, but for his energetic progress.
Your daily actions are important because through them you come into contact with the feelings and convictions of other people, leading you to a deeper understanding of yourself and others, which in turn will help you to make progress towards communion with God.
Many of you have been called to be an example, others to do research, and others have been asked to bear witness and divulge these teachings. It is within these personal spheres that you must find yourself,do not listen to the ideas and wishes of others because only your Instinct can guide you towards the right path
With God within you do not fear delays or doubts, you cannot force or cancel anything when you are aware that your actions are in tune with the divine, you are only asked to act with Faith and simplicity based on what your Instinct suggests.

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