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To enter the era of Sharing can seem complicated and problematic, because even if Sharing is a natural instinct for the human being, ( just as children do) as adults they have forgotten this prerogative.
Why do people not want to share? Because then they have to give prominence to their Self, their Ego, with certainties concerning what they must hold onto, exclusively for themselves.
When I have an idea, I consider it mine only, to exploit, to receive recognition, to show off and exhibit myself through the idea.
However, the idea is not mine: I have “taken” it, and the idea preceded me. It was there, and I had the possibility and the ability to use it, because Life allowed it.
If I share the idea, I think that it will belittle me, that I could be cheated, because giving the idea to others, it is no longer mine, and as I have identified myself with it, I would feel personally diminished, and to have lost part of myself.
This happens in all occupations: artistic, practical, friendship, family, where everyone only looks out for himself instead of sharing his thoughts, his possessions, and particularly what he considers his own assets, because he has received them from Life.
So? Do we just have to accept this?
Life does not work in this way: Life is a body of individuals and together they form One, therefore whatever belongs to one person belongs to everyone.
If Life allows me to, I can get an idea, which then can be developed by another person who has more ability than I have.
This means Sharing.
We have to understand that we are not on Earth to glorify ourselves, but how we deal with ideas, as with everything we have, we demonstrate our Awareness: if we are Aware of being part of a One, or if we think only of ourselves.
Given the crisis in which we find ourselves NOW, which is creating even more poverty and misery there is a tendency towards Sharing activated by these situations, more people are moved by compassion, sensitive to people’s problems, and wish to share what they have with others. There is a long road ahead, it cannot be improvised overnight, but needs to be practiced by many more people as a necessity; the need to Share and not to Compete.

( Sharing in Italian is Condivisione. The author has pointed out that this word can be analyzed into parts: visione – a vision, condivisa – shared.) So we must start with the idea that this is a vision shared.
Unless we have a Vision of who we are, what we are doing on this Earth, the value we give to what we possess, we cannot Share, because we have a distorted Vision, and therefore our Sharing will be distorted too, even if it is in good faith.
When can we say that Sharing is distorted? When its origins are false, when the Vision of what we have and what we are is not limpid, serene or real, and most of all when it does not adhere to the purpose that life wants us to achieve: Evolution.
If we do not start from this Vision Shared, an authentic Vision of Life, we cannot Share it, we can only Share distortions.
NOW it is important not to judge the way other people live, or to judge what we see around us, we must use it only to clarify our own Vision of Life.
We must see the reality that surrounds us from the perspective of Evolution, and not only from an earthly point of view, meaning just an earthly Evolution.
There is an earthly Evolution, there must be, and it is what you normally call progress, but it is not a real progress, because it creates parallel damages which draw you out of Evolution.
Then we have the Evolution linked to the divine part of you, that which governs the world, not related to the Ego, but answers to the divine codes.
This type of Evolution continues in its own way, one can say that it is neither stopped or slowed down by earthly Evolution, but it has its own tempo.
When this tempo of the earthly Evolution joins up with the divine Evolution, there is a quantic leap. We are living a quantic leap in this period now.
This is why each of you are asked to “adjust” yourselves, by scrutinizing the vision you have of yourselves and of Life, and when you are absolutely aware of it, share your vision with others.

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