Self Esteem 2 | Carla Parola Official website Self Esteem 2 – Carla Parola Official website
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Self Esteem 2


You think you aren’t worth anything simply because you don’t know who you are.
If you consider yourself only as a human being, you are clearly using the parameters of human beings, who want to have a satisfying career, children, friends… the usual social standard; but if you think – or better “feel” – you are something more than that, if you believe that beyond you, as a human being, there is an Energy that lives in you, then you cannot do anything but value yourself: as a human being you cannot do an injustice to your Energy by belittling it.
You cannot feel like nothing if you feel your Energy: Energy IS everything, and you just have to discover it in you.
This is important.
Your Mind cannot discover it, but only your Instinct, your inner drives adhering to your real self can lead you to discover it within yourself.
When you feel you want to do something, when you feel you have to act in a certain way, when you feel that only that way is the right one for you, even when everyone around you thinks differently, and they give you advice (especially their influence), you lose your self-esteem, because you know you cannot join them.
Because you feel that within your inner being there is a powerful Force that urges you to act differently.
Only by adhering to this Force can you feel your true value. .
You do not even have to stop analyzing if what you want do to will give a positive or negative result: the important thing is that you follow your Instinct.
In fact, it will never be a loss in terms of Energy: it will be an experience that may not bear fruit immediately, but in that case Life will offer it again and you will gradually sharpen your ability to how you perceive yourself. You will take all the Force you need to follow YOUR way and, consequently, you will respect yourself.
Then together with your Will power, your Instinct, your Strength and your Ability, you will be able to reach your goals.
As long as you let yourself be influenced by others’ goals, you can never have self-esteem, because you will do what others want, but you will always do it badly, superficially, because your heart isn’t in it.
However, what you feel is right has value for you, and self-esteem comes from adhering to yourself. Remember that the Energy that moves you and gives you Life is the universal energy, and has to be steeped in self- esteem, kindness and love!
We just have to recognize this Energy in ourselves and silence our mind.

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