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Self-Confidence 2


How can we be self-confident?
How can we surrender to the flow of Life with the Awareness that it is Life itself that guides us, and not our Minds?
The easiest way to attain the state of Surrender is by understanding how we see ourselves.
What are we?
A personality, just an earthly being with a Mind that thinks rationally, but without the more evolved transcendent part within it?
These are the first questions we must ask ourselves.
To control everything at any price is always an omen of disaster: if we look at the Reality of it, we see that 90 times out of 100, we are caught unprepared, situations are not as we presumed them to be, and so do not satisfy our expectations.
The more we want to exercise control, the further we enter a vicious circle.
The more we pay attention to what eludes us, the more we lessen our chance of grasping it.
So what is the best way to act?
The first vibration we need is HUMILITY.
It is a very powerful vibration.
Let us always remember that every situation, fear and anxiety that undermines our self-confidence, comes from the lack of HUMILITY.
If we feel small, a cell of a divine body inserted into the Whole, we cannot be afraid, absolutely not afraid of anything.
We must be convinced, certain and aware that we have to answer for our actions to the Whole, not to other people, or society or to the earthly part of us.
Then our actions become effortless and easy, without those difficulties that make our Lives so stressful and often painful.
Therefore the first step to find self-confidence is to abandon control, which is an illusion anyway because no-one can control what they do not know, nobody knows what will happen the minute following the one you are living now. Wanting to control is therefore simply Utopian.
When we can commit ourselves to this, we will find serenity and peace within us.
I repeat, the help we need to apply ourselves to this mechanism comes from HUMILITY, it is the key we need to go all the way.
We must NEVER forget that we are a cell of the Whole, that we are not separate individuals, and that we can draw strength, confidence and information from the Whole.
It is up to us to plant this Awareness within ourselves, so that our behavior will change.
If we scrutinize ourselves from a distance, the most honorable and aware part of ourselves will see the most pitiful, fragile, earthly and unsure part, trying desperately to control and cling to his supposed certainties. This poor being sets up control systems, expectations and plans, but all this belongs to the least important part of us.
The wiser and more aware part, observes the other part and smiles, but keeps at a distance.
So it is also right that the more fragile part which I will define as pitiful “takes a beating” and is criticized by others, and is unable to deal with events.
All this is part of the lesson that Life offers us. If you think you can control, that you are above reproach, Life will show you that you are mistaken, it doesn’t work like that, and if you are not able to understand this, you will become even more anxious and tense. Consequently your health will suffer until it becomes the biggest problem in your Life.
Then the most important thing you can do is to understand that you are part of the Whole, and in the Whole you will find all the recourses you need, and you will understand that to surrender to the Whole, does not mean to be superficial or gullible, but simply to adhere to Reality, because the Whole knows the Reality of the future.
Something that we are not allowed to know.


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