Self-Confidence | Carla Parola Official website Self-Confidence – Carla Parola Official website
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Let us think about this idea: if I am part of the divine, if I am part of a marvelous, perfect organism, why do I not feel perfect? Why do I continue to live feeling imperfect?
Let us discuss this point: as part of the divine we have all the possibilities that the divine offers, as if we are a slice of cake, and as such, we are part of the cake itself. On the cake there are many things, icing sugar, and cherries, candied fruit…….or whatever other ingredient we can think of.
What happens if we choose to be the candied fruit, the cherry or the icing sugar?
Making a choice, we forget that we are the cake, we are part of it.
We live on our own because we do not remember that we are part of the divine ( therefore one unit), instead we live in portions.
There is a risk in living this way, because then we live only a part of ourselves, not the whole person.
The first thing when we live in portions is very clear, we are without the Awareness of being part of a whole, and we have no self-confidence: we are insecure regardless of our personality, in fact the stronger, more vehement the personality, more disguised is the lack of self-confidence.
Now we return to the reason for all this, the reason we are unable to live in a harmonious way completely: why we live in portions, separated from the Whole, why we have lost the Awareness of being part of the divine, BEING the divine.
We need to liberate the field from many false ideas that surround the divine: we must not think that God is beyond our reach, but we must think of OURSELVES as GOD, as part of this Whole, with our frequencies, our vibrations, our ability to express ourselves, and to be ourselves.
To be God does not mean to be able to make miracles: it just means to be yourself to the utmost, to have the Awareness of what we are as part of the divine, and as part of the divine to carry out the task that has been assigned to us.
Here it becomes complicated, as we ask ourselves, who gave us this task, as we should be the originators of it.
We must put aside this question because the answer is very complicated, as we should go into the merit of frequencies, vibrations, multi-dimensions, we have to enter the scientific sphere, and if we do that we simply go and stir up the Mind.
These questions are created by the Mind, while the Energy is so penetrated into the divine that it knows perfectly well that the statement “we are the divine” is exact, and therefore there is no reason to question it in any way.
Let us go back to the lack of self-confidence that animates our actions, thoughts and behavior, and especially our relationships.
We do everything possible to hide this feeling because we are ashamed of it, but we manifest it at our energetic level, and this is why we believe that we are beings that are strong, authoritarian, and decision makers regarding ourselves and others; the reality is that we are slaves of the others, we depend on them and their opinion of us, are we accepted by them or not? Are we loved or criticized? Are we ignored or valued?
We need all this to restore our insecurity.
We only feel confident if we are accepted, loved and considered.
This is only a self-confidence that lasts a moment, then it vanishes.
Why? Because we have gone to find the remedy in the wrong place. We should have gone within ourselves and confirm this very simple concept: I am part of the divine, I am the divine.
Having confirmed this, the rest is superfluous.
Self-confidence comes from adhering to the divine who guides me, moment after moment, to conduct me where I should go, and force me to do the task I have been given as part of the Whole.
My only task therefore is to do my very BEST in what I have been given to do, because Evolution needs me: this is the principle assignment of my Life, and knowing this I can only feel confident.


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