Relativity | Carla Parola Official website Relativity – Carla Parola Official website
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(Translator’s note: in English, “Relativity” as a noun is either Einstein’s theory, or the absence of standards of absolute and universal application, like moral relativity. In this message, “relativity” ( translated exactly from the Italian) is used in the comparable form, e.g. relative to……; in relation to……. etc. and to the absence of standards of the absolute.)
Let us do an exercise to establish firmly within us the vibration of Relativity.
We know that we have everything, plus all the vibrations within us, because we are part of the Whole.
NOW let us highlight the vibration of Relativity
How can we face Life in a relative way?
Relative about what?
Relative to the fact that we are universal beings, made of energy, and are part of the Universe.
Imagine that we could observe Life through a microscope, focussing on the brief periods we live on this Earth, and again if we focus on the event taking place at this moment, NOW what Life is proposing to us, then we will lose the Relativity and everything becomes absolute.
NOW, in a relaxed way we must try to perceive ourselves, to think of ourselves as beings of the Universe: like a planet, a star, we are part of the Universe, we are immersed in the Universal Forces, we are cared for, guided and managed by the same universal regulations.
As part of the Universe, we are great, we can use its Force, Energy, and immense Consciousness and Awareness.
In our universal perception, we have no thoughts; the star does not think about acting, it reacts to the universal Forces.
These immense beings that are us, become relative when we live in our bodies, a material substance, but we must never forget the greatness we carry within us
To deal with Life with Relativity does not mean that we have no responsibilities, or do not analyze events, or underestimate what happens; it simply means understanding that having examined the event, analyzing and looking for the lesson within it, the event has reached it’s target: to teach us something.
The following part is the practical, logical earthly managing of events, and here Relativity immediately becomes relevant.
The event regarding the Cosmos, to the Universe, is nothing but a second, a tiny point: it is relative.
The more we feel part of the Universe, and we are aware of being permeated by universal Forces, the more we absorb them, we are conscious and so we can use them.
In Relativity there is also Anxiety and Fear, or they annul themselves or they become relative: they are no longer absolute.
Floating in the Universe we are afraid of nothing; everything is in its right place, it has a function, we ask ourselves nothing, we simply ARE.
Relativity makes us detached from all obsessive thinking, it creates space for the new, and removes our rigid approach to life while helping us to float in Harmony with Life.
We must not be afraid of Relativity, or fear to be seen as superficial, we must be aware of the great advantages for us from Relativity: Serenity, Awareness, Harmony, because these vibrations are part of Relativity.
Every event can be lived either as absolute or relative:
Absolute must be our effort to understand the lesson, the emotions in movement within us, which vibrations are activated.
Relative must be the importance we give to the event itself, to the concrete practical side of the event which we must necessarily manage in an earthly way.
However much the event needs to be carefully handled, with seriousness and precision, we must not forget that the practical management must be guided by our emotional side, in other words, that part of us that perceives the event as relative.
With Relativity present in how we cope with Life, we become very flexible, not rigid, we are consciously permeated by the evolutionary Forces that find space precisely in our flexibility: we are not rigid, we are open and adaptable, so we can embrace these Forces in the best way.
These Forces help us, and even support us on a practical level.
The solutions that we cannot see or find because they are unclear or in the future, are however in the event itself.
Living the event with Relativity we make the solutions appear, we activate them, they become visible; fortuity is created and they become known and are resolved.
If we live the event in an absolute way, everything becomes more difficult: the help and support of these Forces is limited, because the absolute and the lack of flexibility in our being, prevents these Forces to fully reveal themselves.
Let us detach ourselves from the Earth, floating serenely without Fear or Anxiety, convinced that Relativity is something that must be part of our lives, and always be present in our actions.
Let us remember again that we are part of the Universe, that Life on Earth is a a journey, and so that it does not become burdensome, we must always call on Relativity to help us.


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