Reinforcing our Being | Carla Parola Official website Reinforcing our Being – Carla Parola Official website
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Reinforcing our Being


We should never ever ask ourselves “What am I doing here on this planet Earth?”
A question put in this way has no sense. It is a thought that should be ignored especially if we still have not understood who we are.
I can do anything I like on this planet, I can have start up any activity or event I want to, I can be someone who brings new ideas………………..but if I have not clarified WHO I am on this Earth, then it isn’t very important WHAT I do: my actions will only be vaguely useful, while if I understand who I am, then I will find a meaning in what I do. Otherwise, I am just doing for the sake of doing, to support my personality and feed my Ego, my desire to show off.
If on the other hand I go back to the beginning and ask myself the same question, I will understand that I am a cell of a marvellous body, a part of the Universe, a spark of Energy……then what I do will have a different meaning and a different value.
I must then be coherent and act in harmony with myself.
The human being must decide if he wants to live in the stream of Being or that of Appearances. Both of these are an integral part of the human being.
On Earth at this moment, a very significant thing is happening: everything is true, and also the opposite is true.
We can see that there is a great confusion, and the negative is blinding us because it is so violent and glaring that it seems that only evil is rife.
It is not like that.
There is also the good side, which is strong, determined and above all conscious, and is emerging in an extremely positive way.
The good part is linked to the vibration of Being, which has nothing to do with the vibration of Appearances.
Our “choice” between one or the other must be clear cut and conscious. Then having made this “choice” we must be extremely Coherent, otherwise if I waver between one or the other it will have a bad effect not only on my cells, my body, my interior, but also the energetic field surrounding me, and all this will undermine the stability that my Being is about to reach.
There is a critical mass that already exists, it wants change, and wants to consolidate the vibration of Being and push that of Appearances into the background.
To help consolidate this mass is the responsibility of each of us, so we must consolidate internally this Essence, to help the formation of this energetic field that needs stability.
When we feel caged and impotent by the continuing horrendous ways of being governed, by situations dealt with in unfair and humiliating ways, and we think we can do nothing about it, we must remember that this feeling of impotence comes from the vibration of Appearances, because the vibration of Being knows that there is a lot that can be done on a personal individual level. Just by consolidating within us the vibration of Being we consolidate our energetic field, and give off a vibration of Coherence and solidity, which helps to reinforce the energetic field.
We must not be pessimists or fear negativity: we can recognize it, because it exists, but we should understand that this negativity is continuously used to create Anxiety, Fear and Panic, and feeds the vibration of Appearances. If we concede to this vibration, our energetic level goes down, and we are easier to manoeuvre.
If WE ARE, then we are inviolable.
I beg you therefore, in this moment to feel inviolable because you carry within you the divine, which will remain silent unless you consciously activate it.

Being Aware of all this, you must be very careful not to suffocate this vibration and above all you must try to nurture it.

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