Passivity | Carla Parola Official website Passivity – Carla Parola Official website
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Today’s exercise is to understand how to deal with the burdens Life places upon us, the setbacks and obstructions she gives us, and the deviations she provides, regardless of our mental programming.
Let us use a different method: the first “commandment” is not to rebel, because when Life offers us something it is because it has been stimulated by our desire for it, even if this desire is unconscious. No one would wish to attract painful or burdensome situations, but our Energy knows when it is necessary that we experience that kind of event, so we must welcome it. However there is a method of welcoming it that we must immediately use, because then how we deal with it becomes rapid and smooth, otherwise it will be very stressful.
The method is Passivity.
When faced with a totally unexpected event, which we consider a worrying burden, even a disruptive one, we must put the method of Passivity into action at once.
I accept this event because I am conscious that I must not rebel against it. I welcome it passively without immediately trying to find the solution, and above all, without trying to move away from it.
I welcome it with Passivity.
What does Passivity mean? It certainly does not mean to do nothing, that is impossible: if I break my arm I need to have it put in plaster, I cannot wait.Therefore Passivity is a vibration of activity-passivity, an activity that is always developed with a question mark at the end. Am I doing the right thing? Is this the right way? Is it the right way to understand the lesson in this event?
If I act with Passivity, there will be an immediate answer from Life. On the other hand, if I let my Mind and Personality take over when faced with an event, using only my ability to deal with it, to make it mine, and control it, even if I don’t really understand it, but trying anyway to keep everything under my control, then I am preventing Life from giving me the right solution and the way to do it.
The action I take must be passive: acting with the belief that “someone” is guiding me, and this “someone” or “something” is Life itself. I surrender to Life with trust and gratitude, never with asperity. My way of living and reacting must never be tinged with asperity.
Everything must be gentle, smooth and calm.
It is difficult when an event seems to turn your life upside down, especially if it is unexpected, and all our plans are thrown into disarray, but if we remember that we have attracted the event into our Life because it is useful and necessary, then we make progress, and maybe one door will close, but a bigger door will open for us.
Let me repeat that the method is simply one of Passivity.
We must not feel inept if we have doubts about how to take action, neither must we feel destabilized if we keep changing ideas, if that solution seems right, and then it doesn’t, if that way seems clear, and then it becomes obscure.
This does not mean that we are incompetent or not equal to the situation.
We are competent because we are fluid, conscious of navigating, but the compass doesn’t belong to us, we must believe that a positive solution will come from the event. The event anyway is right as it is, because it is Life that is offering it to us, and we must treasure the teaching within it.
It is useless to ignore the events we don’t like; they will keep coming back……….maybe in a different way, but with the same characteristics, to teach us something that we would rather not learn.
It is clever to immediately welcome the event with Passivity, we must hold out our arms, embrace Life and allow ourselves to be guided.
The signs that Life gives us are very clear, we falsify them when they are opposite to what we want. Then we do everything to neutralize the signs so we can go our own way.
This doesn’t happen with Passivity, because there is fluidity, and the possibility if we use Passivity in abundance, to follow all the indications that Life wants to give us.
We understand the signs we receive from life because we are fluid, we do not have barriers, we do not resist them because we have not yet decided the path we should take, we let ourselves be guided by Life that knows what we should do. This is the correct way to deal with Life’s unexpected events.
These events help us to progress, be stronger and more aware.We know ourselves better, and have the certainty that when we surrender to Life, the situations are resolved more quickly and in the right way.
The right way means that what happens is truly what we need to happen.
Humility is necessary in Passivity and Surrender. Without Humility we cannot practice Passivity, then it would be only a mental exercise of convenience: I trust it because I don’t know what to do, but I am certain it will be all right because this is what I am, therefore it can’t go wrong.
This however is not the true Passivity.
The real Passivity cannot be separated from Humility.
Humility to feel part of the Whole, of the divine body, the Humility of the person who cannot conduct his Life only and exclusively through thinking, but through feeling, perceiving sensations, people and events.
This is the right way to face unexpected events, the ones that could destabilize us.
Let us always remember this, because in this confused period, in this moment of important verification for each of us, unexpected and sudden events, whether they are joyful or not, happen all the time.

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