Other People’s pain | Carla Parola Official website Other People’s pain – Carla Parola Official website
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Other People’s pain

Can we take the pain that others suffer and make it our own?
This is a complicated question, first because speaking about other people is like speaking about ourselves, therefore we must start from the idea that we are ONE, we are Everything, and the Suffering of another person is also ours, and our suffering belongs to other people too.
Even if on a mental level, particularly that of the personality, we try to separate Suffering into “mine” and “theirs”,on the energetic level we are One and therefore Pain is not only fruit of the personality, but has an impact on the Energy too, and so we all Suffer.
The world suffers because a great number of human beings suffer, and rejoices when a great number of human beings rejoice.
There are Energetic fields of Joy, and fields of Pain.
Can I say that I willingly take onto myself the pain of others? Up to a certain point this could be valid, because I am aware that I am part of a Whole, and may have within myself more pronounced characteristics, compared to another Energy whose characteristics are more ephemeral.
For example, I may be able to put up with Pain better than another person.
So I could say, that I will make the Suffering of another mine, because I can handle it better. Obviously this takes place at a mental level, it is I that decide but now you are distancing yourself from the Whole, let me explain.
The Whole is Energy, so we cannot speak of personality or human will. We are speaking of an energetic mass that is everything, including every kind of vibration, and within these vibrations is the ability to deal, or not to deal, with everything. The Whole is everything, the capacity to support, or not to support everything.
I only use the mental part of me, not the energetic part, when I decide, or want to take on something. Then I am no longer in the cosmic stream, but in that of the earthly one of the personality, of the ego.
I decide if I can put up with the Pain, and if I want to take on to myself the Pain of others, but I am not taking into consideration that Life has not given me that Pain, and so my decision offends Life, who I erroneously think, has allowed a person to suffer who cannot handle it.
This is against the Law of the Whole.
The Whole is absolutely perfect and therefore gives to each person what they need to evolve, and Suffering is also given, according to the ability that each person has to support it.
If Life allowed us intolerable pain, it would extinguish itself, it would mean that Life is without discernment, so it would act against itself. It would be like giving itself a punishment, because giving an intolerable pain means killing that individual, and where there is death and annihilation, there is no Life.
Therefore to say that there are people who want to take on to themselves the Suffering of others, must be said in an absolutely relative way. We have to understand the intention behind certain statements. Why do some people feel that they have to live in Pain? They cannot take Pain away from others, this would be absurd as they would also take away the chance another person has to evolve. They can only live a Life of Pain and Suffering because they personally need to, it is what their Energy needs to evolve and mature. However this is an abstract discussion, we cannot go into detail because we cannot judge those who feel this way.
To give a more objective opinion about these people, one needs to enter within them to understand the intentions behind their statements.
Obviously if an individual decides to live with Suffering, he will attract it upon himself, by the choice he has made.
If this decision stems from the desire to satisfy the Instinct’s suggestion, it is a good decision, as Suffering is necessary for Energetic evolution.
On the other hand, if this choice is made to get attention, or to play the victim, it will turn out to be an absolutely useless, ridiculous decision.

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