Once Again…Fear | Carla Parola Official website Once Again…Fear – Carla Parola Official website
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Once Again…Fear


We have talked about fear many many times, but NOW we really need to get it straight, so that we can exorcize it.
The human being can let himself be conditioned by all his daily events, and be unable to discern and understand how this can deliberately lead him to live in Fear. He can not understand that a plan has been laid down so that he cannot completely be aware of himself, but constantly lives surrounded by problems: health, epidemics, economic collapse, the ozone hole. Often, what surrounds the human being is amplified, and the solution is never highlighted, only a catastrophic vision. This mechanism results in the human being, who absorbs all this information from the outside, like an echo, puts the same level of fear in all the events that he has around him.
There are certain people that continually have panic attacks, others are too frightened to go out, to live, to face other people, all this happens because they are taken over by Fear.
We are individuals made up of energy, We are nothing else but atoms held together, because their frequency forms matter. As we are made of energy, we must always reason in terms of frequencies and vibrations, exactly like the rest of the Cosmos.
There are various types of vibrations: those that are fleeting,very light, and a heavier collective one, that is induced,“thrown on us” We must react to this, but how?
By withdrawing into ourselves, not listening to what is being said, just thinking that it comes from beings and human minds, that sometimes are in good faith, and often are not.
What we are being told could be so, because it has been really thought out and is real, or is it for purposes that we cannot see.
However, when some news makes us anxious, then we must be able to refuse it, to retreat, to make ourselves small and surrender to the Force of Love, asking for protection.
This is not fantasy: take a look at how nature lives, the animals, the plants that are looked after by the Whole.
There is this Force that thinks of everything, so how could it not think of us too?
We must reflect on this because if we feel that only we are the masters of our destiny, we are making a choice that we feel we can uphold, and we move using our own powers: if on the other hand, we believe that we are part of the Whole that is greater than the Mind, and beyond are ability to control, we have the chance of entrusting ourselves to this Whole, and then solutions arrive.
However much the human being can be prepared, rational, pragmatic and intelligent, and knows how to plan, take preventive action and control, he will NEVER be able to see the unexpected that will happen tomorrow.
In this moment of a general crisis that no-one had foreseen, the sensible thought to put into action is: live in the right way HERE and NOW, live the present moment with the certainty that you are not alone and abandoned, think of this universal Force, that as it takes care of all of nature, it MUST take care of us.

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