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On Principle



What does “ on principle” mean?
Generally it means to demonstrate one’s unalterable adherence to a particular belief, where we decline the Reality surrounding us, as we have already decided that the Reality must be what we think it is.
Is this way of thinking correct?
It is if we think we are perfect, in the right, unable to follow what happens with flexibility, and are anchored to our own ideas which we defend at any price.
It is not right if instead, we are able to consider the ideas of others, and particularly the variables that are part of every situation.
To decide, reason, take action based “on principle” is asking for trouble.
This trouble is like banging your head against a door, and there will be many doors, until we have learnt not to act “on principle” but to consider all the events, also our way of doing things concerning the events. A lesson Life is giving us.
Every situation can be developed in many different ways, because it has within it the opportunity of teaching us something, and making us reflect.
If we deal with the situation “on principle” then the lesson will be lost, and we will only get from the situation what is in harmony with ourselves, what strengthens our own ideas, discarding everything that disagrees with them.
Why do so many people act in this way?
They lack the Humility to question their actions, to feel that they are on this Earth to have experiences, and not to continuously assert themselves; it is so widespread also because by asserting oneself we feel more self-confident.
So this way of thinking is based on the lack of Humility, and has as a consequence, a psychological fragility, an insecurity that we try to hide by acting “on principle” strengthening our beliefs without comparing them to those of others, never questioning our own.
However we must also have the ability and courage to analyze the results of the choices we have made “on principle”
The results will show us if our way of thinking and acting was right, if it followed the right path, or if that path only seemed right, but it was not because it was full of hidden pitfalls.
In this path there were situations that NOW are no longer in harmony with us, because in the meantime, we have changed, or maybe we thought they were in harmony with us, but we did not pay enough attention to their downside.
This happened because our way of behaving “on principle” has blocked our ability to evaluate or criticize our handling of the situation.
To act, move, live with the vibration, shall we call it “on principle” is very dangerous, because the next step leads to the entrenchment of our ideas, to intolerance and extremism.
This way of thinking is simply destructive, not constructive.
How often are we proud of ourselves, feeling great when we can say “ I told you so, I was right, I already knew that the situation would have turned out like this…or in that way.” Was it really like that?
We feel so important, full of confidence with the first result, not understanding that the first result is going to produce another one, which possibly will be the opposite to what we wanted.
This way of thinking “on principle” is a trap.
We should think ( and consequently get moving) only by listening to our deepest instinct, and not the flattery coming from our Mind.
We must not pay attention to our abstract calculations: we must simply do what our Instinct suggests to us.
When our decision and action is based on our instinct, it is the right choice, that is the right path FOR US, because we were meant to have that experience.
It could be an unsatisfactory experience, but evidently it is asked of us to reflect, precisely because we are not satisfied.
Then we can change our intentions or idea, and the next time decide in a different way, not “on principle”
Our decisions must always be based on our instinct, always listening to our inner Voice.
All the rest that the Mind suggests, can be right if the Mind and Instinct are in perfect agreement, but we must not suffocate our Instinct’s suggestions if they differ from the Mind’s.
Then when we start thinking about all this relating to the Paradigms that we are living (the Old Paradigm that everyone can see, and the New that is not seen by everyone, but does exist and is consolidating) we can understand that when we act on principle we are really damaging the New Paradigm, because acting in this way is typical of the Old one.
“On principle” does not exist in the New Paradigm, or rather the choice does not exist, because we will vibrate on the vibration of Being, not of Appearance.
Being does not need choices: it offers solutions, shows us the way, guides us to do what is right.
Being uses the Mind to accomplish what is good.
The mechanism is inverted: now it is the Instinct that decides, not the Mind.
What kind of “on principle” attitudes can be in this mechanism?
Everything must flow smoothly, we must have the Awareness that the New Paradigm can be consolidated, and that we can help this process, only if we follow Life’s indications in a conscious and fluid way.

These indications from Life can be changeable and even contradictory, but remember that Life knows where we must go, that Evolution knows where we must be in the “future” and for this reason we cannot decide what is right or wrong based only on our Mind’s activity, it must be based on our deepest feelings, already permeated and guided by this New Paradigm, which will not let us make mistakes.

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