Our starting point is Nature and how we are part of it.
For you, Nature is something miraculous, meaning that as it is still unknown to you, then it is a miracle.
Nature in fact, does nothing but adhere to the universal Forces that regulate the entire Universe.
The seed is programmed so that the plant can develop into what it must be.
In the same way, you have a program within you, so that your body is what it must be.
The seed can be compared to your cells: already the macrocosmos is in the microcosmos.
When we uphold the concept that we are all One because we are all Energy, it means that we are all divine, as we all originate from the same Source: Divine Energy.
We can say that the Laws that regulate all the Cosmos, have influenced Nature understood as vegetable, animal and mineral worlds, including the human race.
The human race conforms to Nature, just as Nature obeys the cosmic Forces. You are influenced by Nature because you are an intrinsic part of it.
Inside you there are minerals and water, and you have the same compulsions as Nature has, because you are part of the same Evolutionary project.
Sometimes you say that nature “rebels” it does not “rebel” against you or itself, it merely adheres to rules that you are not aware of.
You speak of “rebellion” because you see Nature do unusual things, but this is not always provoked by the human being. Very often these rare, particular incidents happen because Nature needs them for its equilibrium. It is like when a human being has a fever, and you know he will be better once the fever has passed.
This is a principle that regulates everything.
NOW let us focus our attention on you human beings, who are always asking yourselves questions, who want to serve Evolution without prevarication, and serve It with Joy and Awareness.
How does one serve Evolution?
You need to be yourselves.
You need to learn from the plants and the animals; they don’t pretend to be something else, they are not prepared to suffer to be something they are not, they are happy to be what they are.
The rose doesn’t want to be a peony, the oak doesn’t want to be an elm, grass doesn’t want to become a tree….in other words, they accept themselves. Animals behave in the same way….they accept themselves.
The human race does not accept itself: within you there is an eternal conflict between what you are and what you would like to be…that is what you would like others to think of you. We need to return to being simple and authentic, taking example from Nature.
While Nature Is, the human being only “appears”
When the vibration of Appearance will have abandoned the human being, and he will search for his true nature, his essence, then he will be harmonious and live in Harmony and communicate this Harmony to the Earth’s magnetic field. This will spread through the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdom, and finally the Earth will take a vibrational leap forward that has already begun, but still not concluded or consolidated, because for this, it needs the impetus from the human race.
To reach the state of Being may seem complicated.
Can you teach others what to do, which path to follow, the courses they should take, the books they should read? How many people do I need to meet, before I understand?
The answer is very simple: be yourselves, accept yourselves, love yourselves, and try to visualize yourselves as a cell in a marvelous body.
There is everything in the cell, in each cell of your body there is your body, you as a cell in a divine body, you are divine.
The first thing to do is accepting yourselves: without this you cannot be your true selves, so always try to hide those dark corners, the ones that make you suffer, the rough edges that you are not happy with.
Why? Because normally other people do not accept them.
The purpose of Life is not to be accepted by others, but to accept and love yourselves, then offer the best of yourselves to others. Doing this will stimulate other people to manifest the best of themselves too.
The very moment the human being accepts himself, he Is, he vibrates and flows in Harmony with all the Cosmos.
Then there are no more decisions to make, or doubts about the path to follow, the preoccupations that seem to be punishments, no, there is an Awareness that helps you to understand that we have attracted what happens to us, and our task is to develop it, not as a penance, but to experience something we need for our Evolution.
Accepting ourselves we accept others too, because we comprehend how difficult it sometimes is, to completely be oneself without deceiving our true essence.
Deceiving ourselves however is very widespread, it is a customary practice, the meaning of words change and get muddled up, and there is less clarity in the way people act and speak.
The worst is self-deceit, which is very damaging to us, especially when we offer ourselves to others in a way that is different to how we really are.
No one should force himself on another person, it only leads to complications and frustration. This doesn’t mean that you should be submissive, it just means, be yourselves.
It is a concept that must become common to everyone, a way of feeling natural and honest.
Our Instinct, the Force that so powerfully manifests itself when we have to make a decision, and we are not sure what to do, the Force that can destabilise our inner self, and makes us feel uneasy until we make the right choice, this Instinct demands absolute coherence from us.
Therefore the Loving effort we put into self knowledge, with the aim of accepting ourselves, and then on the outside contradict it all with self-deception, undermines the effort we have made for self acceptance.
Those who do not understand or accept us, have no place in our lives, because conflict is pointless. Conflict creates Fear, and Fear breeds conflict.
Search within yourselves the divine Force, the part of you that transcends all rules and conventions, contact that part of you which is the best, and be absolutely certain that Life loves you, the path to Evolution is marked out for each of us, and it cannot be too difficult and complicated to follow.
Every test that Life gives us, perfectly fits our ability to deal with it, put up with it, and above all, understand it. Very often, the human being lacks the ability to understand.
If we do not understand the lesson when we are faced with a difficulty, but we feel good about how we deal with it, we will surely have to face another similar one, but more demanding. In the end we become devastated by the same troubling events in our lives.
That is how it is: situations repeat themselves to teach us something, not just to make us feel good about how we deal with them. When you understand the lesson, you make the situations easier to deal with.
When you can, try to spend time with Nature, and especially try to look for the teaching that Nature offers you. Nature is itself, it accepts and loves itself.
This is what each one of you must do: know yourself, accept yourself, love yourself.
This is the only way to become a perfect instrument of Evolution, and that Life on Earth has a purpose.
When you live totally conscious that the purpose of Life is to help Evolution, then it is an easy and carefree life. Problems become relative, and hand in hand with Life, your journey is one of Love. Life knows what we need, not to punish us, just to help us to understand, and then use us for Evolution.