Let us think about time passing, not about past time, or the future, but the precise moment we are living.
We have thought about this already many times, but it is very difficult for the human being to convince himself of the need to live in the Here and NOW.
There is everything in the present.
You must visualize the present moment as a seed; in the seed there is everything: there is the program for its development into a flower, a blade of grass, a tree…..
Our past and our future too is contained in the moment we are living.
The importance of living in the Here and NOW is not only a question of inner tranquility, but also benefits us on the physical level, for our cells and our physiological functions: all our being is completely benefited.
There is always a problem, because the human being continues to think that these are only words, and difficult to put into practice, because living in the Here and NOW impedes the ability to analyze situations, the desire to control what is happening now and the future, and at the same time jeopardizes past life experiences.
If I cannot relive it, go over it, if I cannot return and think about what has been, it is as if nothing had happened, so I find the way of living Here and NOW, extremely improbable, and I will look for as many reasons as possible to go back to the past and continuously hypothesize the future.
This is why it is so important to understand why we must center on the Here and NOW.
In the Here and Now, the past exists as information, with all the energy it had when we experienced it, when it was an active part of us.
To remember it NOW has no sense, because we will give it an importance that it did not have before.
NOW we go over them with the experience we have acquired THROUGH those events, with the maturity we have developed with time, and so they cannot be real if we go back to them, as we will interpret them with the mentality of the NOW. Feelings of guilt can arise, remorse and frustrations….that do not have any reason to exist because we cannot change what has happened.
I repeat, those events have made us what we are, so NOW, here, we are those events too.
The future is not marked out, not written or determined, it can be everything because we are immersed in the Whole, we are surrounded by every possibility, and we choose our path depending on how we perceive situations and events, but mostly on the method we use to live our lives.
Do we live with the pole of positivity activated? Then we will attract the right path towards solutions, the path that helps us understand and live well.
Do we live with the pole of negativity activated? Then our path will be full of complications and obstructions, we will continue to have experiences that are tiring and burdensome, because living in the stream of negativity, we will not understand the lesson that the event is offering us.
This is why it is so important to live in the Here and NOW, without programming our lives…as much as it is possible, leaving it up to Life the task of guiding us to where we should be. That is, where there are situations and solutions.
We must not feel deprived of something if we act in this way, we are still able to do things and to make plans. We are only asked to be more realistic, more rational, more concrete, reflecting that in our programming, we cannot take into consideration the future, or really predict the unexpected; we are not able to know if everything we plan and want will happen, or even be right for us.
We reason with the information that feels right for us. That we observe around us, but Life has an obscure part, that is difficult or impossible to estimate, that manifests itself beyond programming.
Therefore we must be very careful to not create castles in the air, dreams of glory or obstacles for the future, because all this could simply complicate our lives.
If we limit ourselves to live well in the Here and NOW, we are harmonious, in the positive stream, and this is enough to attract everything we need.
Every situation is given to us so that we can understand ourselves better, so that we can we can reach the right way of living, with Harmony and above all, Awareness.