A Message for the Celestini | Carla Parola Official website A Message for the Celestini – Carla Parola Official website
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A Message for the Celestini


( The Celestini are all those people who follow online the website stazioneceleste.it It is a non profit site that disseminates information to as many people as possible explaining that what we really are is much more than what we perceive……. It is a source of insight for people to learn how to live a harmonious and well balanced life. It is also so much more……..This message came to Carla at a meeting with a group of Celestini at Chivasso on April 2012)


Everyone smile.
Try to be truly happy, try to understand yourselves, and through understanding, accept and love yourselves, because just through these intentions, you are creating something which will never disappear.
Now you are creating something that will never leave you, it will be part of you and raise your energetic frequency.
When your energetic frequency is higher, you change.
The great, weighty problem that you could have at this moment becomes relative, the foolish episode that bothered you so much, vanishes.
It is important that there are many of you. That you are moved in an open receptive way. This is important for the magnetic field you are making.
You will take this magnetic field away with you, it doesn’t finish here. When you listen again to the recording of this day, you will live it again.
A simple easy request I have for you: banish fear from your minds.
Every time fear torments you, put your trust in Life, look on Life as your friend.
Try to recognize Life as something that flows within you: it is the vital lymph that puts you onto the right path.
When you can’t handle difficult situations, they make you anxious and frightened: trust in Life.
Feel your heart accelerate, feel that the vibration is changing, and the same situation that caused you so much anxiety, now within you, becomes relative, and the solution arrives.
When you can’t find the solution, don’t continue stubbornly to look for it, don’t stop in front of a closed door, don’t continue to knock on it. Life is not deaf, you are.
Sometimes Life doesn’t open the door because if you go in, you don’t know what you might find.
So, Life takes care of you, it doesn’t snub you by not letting you satisfy your aspirations.
Life stops you because that situation is not for you. This doesn’t mean that there are no right situations for you. Life will offer you other situations in Silence, when you are Silent. When there is no more fear or anxiety, when everything flows, and within you there is the absolute certainty that you are full of love, and you only need to surrender to this love, to make it your ally.
Then Life will become a sequence of events that could be demanding and of grave concern, but there will always be the solution to them, because Life will give them to you.


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