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Relax mentally, do not think, free yourselves from fear and anxiety. be like a small child who is without fear and completely trusts in Life never doubting that there will be an answer to whatever he needs.
This mental approach is important as it allows the situations that Life offers you, to flow in the right way.
Learn to let yourselves go and surrender to everything, abandoning the need to have everything under control. To surrender to Life certain that whatever is right for you will arrive, is the most important thing.
Life is Love, it can neither punish you nor work against you.
Life is a teacher.
It can teach you through suffering, but within the lesson there is always Love and the solution.
Of utmost importance is the condition you aim for, concerning your inner self, surrender to Life.
Don’t fight difficulties, be aware that in them you will find a lesson that Life wants you to have.
Look for the lesson and once you have understood, the solution will arrive.
This isn’t a fantasy it’s reality.
If you put this into practice, Life flows with ease and moreover becomes joyful, almost playful.
It is no longer burdensome, no longer a struggle, and by trying to understand, your way of living changes.
The words of this moment are surrender and lightheartedness, because surrender creates a lighthearted way of living, where control makes this impossible.
Try to surrender and you will immediately notice that a lighthearted way of living will sweep through your being.

Can the process of surrender have harmful side effects?
You must keep calm, leave anxiety aside.
We must understand that we have a Mind that reasons in a limited way because the mind doesn’t know the future and the unexpected things that can happen, but the part of us that is on a higher level, the divine part of us, knows where we must go and where it must lead us.
We cause much greater damage by trying to control Life instead of letting it flow.
So often we struggle with all our might to obtain something, and then when we have got it we realize it was not worth the effort, or better still we could have chosen a more suitable way.
In dealing with our actions and way of life there is the Instinct that guides us.
Often we make decisions that don’t really convince us and we have a persistent inner unease. We think that we have done everything in a rational manner and we are right, but we lack an inner serenity, this is the Instinct that is signaling to us that the road we have taken is not the right one.
I repeat: you cannot harm yourselves through surrender.
Only the Mind can damage you.

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