Male and Female | Carla Parola Official website Male and Female – Carla Parola Official website
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Male and Female


The Energy has always been male and female, but it is a mistake to say, “has been” as the Energy Is. Therefore, on the various vibration levels, it Is both male and female.
However, the moment that this Energy permeates a male or female body, it has the characteristics generated by our society and education, and the genetic information of that particular body.
This Energy has “memories” of when it incarnated in the other sex, but during the period of its earthly incarnation, it has the potentiality to develop male or female Energy, because it lives in a body of one specific sex.
At the same time, Energy also lives in male bodies, in animals, in rocks: Energy is everywhere.
It is how you live your own life with Awareness, that determines the intensity of your vibrations.
NOW, I am aware that I am a woman, and therefore, here and now I give out vibrations that have a feminine consciousness.
On other frequencies, I give out vibrations that have a masculine consciousness, because I am Aware of being male.
However, we are discussing this here and NOW, with the Awareness of this Life, in this precise moment, on this planet Earth.
All the “part” of the Energy that vibrates on different frequencies, in other dimensions, sustains us without influencing, because otherwise our free will would be undermined. We are supported but not influenced.
If in all my vibrations, I have very harmonious masculine and feminine Lives, I have no need to assert my feminine side, as I AM female.
NOW the acceleration of the Earth, is leading us to overcome all this, in other words, a harmonious union between the male and the female.
For the Earth to vibrate in a stable way, this union is necessary. All this will happen soon, because it already IS.
It has always been foreseen that the Earth will reach this Harmonious state, and now it is happening very rapidly.


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