Love and Vibrations | Carla Parola Official website Love and Vibrations – Carla Parola Official website
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Love and Vibrations

Love produces Energy: it is the Energy that makes the body vibrate and move. EVERYTHING in the cosmos vibrates and all bodies vibrate.
A body becomes a body through vibration.
The higher the vibrational frequency, the more the being becomes matter, up to the point that it becomes visible.
The higher the vibrational frequency, the more the body becomes compact, and because it becomes solid and rigid it loses part of its vitality.
All bodies vibrate and make sounds, music, but when a body loses its vitality, it cannot vibrate by itself and needs help from an auxiliary Energy.
A body that is rigid, collides with other bodies and gives off a sound vibration which produces Energy and occupies new spaces, thus moving other bodies, which in turn move more and more bodies, and reaching a very high frequency, they become matter, and then they, colliding, give off sounds, vibrations and so on.
That is how the Cosmos moves, with Love and musical harmony, just one of the many expressions that the Energy produces from Love.
Love is generated from God. This is the Divine Code and only God can manipulate it.
The Spirit is the Evolution of the Energy, and the body is the evolution of Matter.
The Spirit leans towards a comic objective, while a body will lean towards earthly objectives.
An evolved Spirit, fused with Divine will, will search for a greater harmony in the universe because it knows, through its energetic memory, that it is harmony that moves the orbits, keeping universal order.
A Spirit evolved, because it is full of Love, never asks what it should do because it knows that though Love, it is producing useful Energy.
A body that is evolved only through the body’s mind, tends to put everything onto a material plane, including thoughts, rationalizing and accumulating Matter, and keeping vital Energy for itself.
This is not what the energetic Spirit needs, and as it cannot impose itself on the body’s Matter, because it is anti-matter, the Spirit will become weak, until sometimes a real process of involution will start, and the Spirit can even dissolve.
Aware of an intense lack of interior harmony, and feeling of being abandoned, a body that is afflicted by this “imbalance” tends to destroy itself, or become physically ill.
The negativity that surrounds the Earth today, leads to the escalation of any feeling of anxiety, until it becomes depression, as you call it.
Only by placing your trust completely in God, will you be able to gradually return to a situation of serenity.

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