Logic | Carla Parola Official website Logic – Carla Parola Official website
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It is difficult to stick to your convictions when other people’s logic is convincing and ….logical.
It is not easy to change your own logical viewpoint, but it is not impossible either.
Why is it sometimes necessary to change?
Because your Energy is asking this of you.
When does it ask you?
When your own logic is obsolete, when all its information has been put into the Energy, and it has nothing else to add.
Why is new logic difficult to accept?
Because there is mental resistance and the individual identifies himself with the old logic which has become an integral part of him.
However, Evolution moves onwards and urges, creating the conditions to acquire new information through a new logic. It is important not to oppose the “new” that advances towards us.
It is wise to let yourself be permeated with new information so that the old, which is now obsolete, can be replaced by the new.
The “new” must be lived as an opportunity, and made our own only if we feel that it is.
If the new information is perceived as hostile or in conflict with our feelings it means that the “new” is not for us.
Then an energetic “remixing” takes place that “invigorates” the old within us and strengthens it, because it has not been replaced by the “new” which is unsuitable for us, but has again confirmed the validity of the old.
However, when the “new” is welcomed, and acknowledged as a positive innovation, it creates an extremely powerful energetic vortex whose task is to replace all or some of the old information, and allow the new information acquired to take root.
This new information “enters” the magnetic field and “activates” concrete events pertaining to our daily life, in harmony with the “new” put into our Energy.
The individual’s task is to deal with these events with the “new” ways acquired, so that they are fortified and can become an active and stable part of the Energy.

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