Living without the Superfluous | Carla Parola Official website Living without the Superfluous – Carla Parola Official website
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Living without the Superfluous

I will begin with these lines taken from the “Third Reading”, my last book:
if you want to live well, now is not the time for in depth analysis, or revisiting the past, it is useless delving into ones self, to judge or absolve:
all you need to do is to Surrender to Life without deviating and with total trust. In your daily life all you must do is live by the simple cosmic rule,” love yourself and do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
The secret of Harmony is incorporated in the Love you have for yourself.
Love yourself with Awareness
Love yourself with Simplicity
Accept yourself knowing that you are a part of the Whole
Accept yourself with the sincere conviction that we have not made ourselves, but our task is only to understand ourselves, and to improve our characteristics, without trying to change our basic essence.
We are all different from each other, but we have within us the same energetic element, the divine codes.
To be Aware of this means that we do not strive to affirm our own ideas over those of others, because the other person has the divine codes within him, just like us.
Even if externally we are different, our energetic essence is the same for everyone.
This brings us back to the microcosm that we are, and which is part of the Whole.
We have to go back and ask ourselves who we are, and what we want to do.
Living without the superfluous means removing everything that overloads our lives.
We are so weighed down with everything that our society expects from us that we have distorted our way of seeing things. We are not able to live adhering to our instinct, to the life we really want, simplicity and our true Self.
We are always talking about enemies, we always feel ourselves surrounded by them without realizing that we are the enemies: we are One, and so there is no external enemy, if anything it is an internal enemy that we must try and face up to an understand.
The best thing that could happen to us now is to reach internal Harmony and thus feel ourselves to be microcosms in the macrocosm.
The moment we stop making war at ourselves we will not be at war any more with anyone because then everyone will be in the right.
Whatever the way of being, of living, whatever kind of petitions come from the human being, if they are expressed with Truth and good will, they should be listened to, even if these petitions are beyond our understanding, and we could even consider them absurd, however, if they are presented with Truth and sincerity, at least they are worthy of our respect.
Not being subject to the superfluous leads us to think in different ways and not be aware of hate any more.
When we receive a snub or there is a situation that profoundly moves us and causes us suffering, we do not live these moments with the desire for revenge, but we understand that we must for-give, we must give ourselves forgiveness, not to the other person, no, for ourselves, because everything that we hold within us that is negative, damages us, all those things that we are unable to deal with can make us ill, and our vision of Life becomes one of superfluous things that cage us, and obstruct the free flow of our lives which needs to listen to the Instinct.
The human body is profoundly linked to our psyche, our stress, our way of living and can become ill because of all this. But if it falls ill it must also be able to heal itself, to get back on track and remove all the superfluous that does not come from the deepest Self, that is not a real petition from the Self, therefore is not true, but is only all the superfluous, the excess imposed on us by society, education, convenience and personal interest etc.
To manage to go back and really be ourselves, completely loving ourselves and therefore trying to understand ourselves, makes us have great respect for others, and this respect leads us to accept people whose way of living and being we do not share on a practical level.
The title of this meeting “Like all the Creatures..” makes us think about what unites all the Creatures: the divine codes within us.
We are made of Energy, what is this Energy made of? It is the same for everyone. Then there are different vibrations, and frequencies, and DNA characteristics that belong to us, but the base of all creation is this Energy which science has not as yet been able to explain, but is in the human being, in plants and rocks, and everything that surrounds us. Energy is something we have in common, but we must force ourselves to think of ourselves as One with everything. In the Whole there are diversities, and these are necessary for us, to understand ourselves better, but we must look within ourselves, not only at the external, and in this way we will find Harmony and Peace, and a completely different vision of everything, compared to the vision that humanity has had up to now.
This point is not tragic, but we risk falling if we continue on this dangerous road. Therefore we must go back. We must search for the roots within us, and then it will happen that a great number of human beings will reason in a divine way, cosmic not only earthly, and they will give themselves rules and the correct way of living, and they will be in the right.


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