Living with Joy | Carla Parola Official website Living with Joy – Carla Parola Official website
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Living with Joy

To be able to love with Joy in your heart is good for you.
To have Joy within you doesn’t mean only avoiding sad situations, and what we think are burdensome problems. To live with Joy means feeling part of the Whole, knowing that every situation – even burdensome ones, even those we do not fully accept with our rationality because they seem to us devoid of any logic, are anyway offered to us by Evolution, to allow us this experience, and through it a better understanding of ourselves. In this way we realize a “personal” Evolution, which is part of the general Evolution, and it takes use ever “higher” to vibrate with the divine.
Why do we dwell so much on Joy?
The reason is that there are not many joyful situations around us.
Humanity is at boiling point, it is moving away from all those ways of living programmed and full of opinions that have only brought unhappiness to the human race, and a state of permanent conflict.
NOW, when all this is happening, a radical change of vibrations is needed: who has clearly understood that the purpose of this Life is not to obtain something for one’s outward show, but it is necessary to totally commit oneself to facilitate Evolution for oneself and others, by adhering to the Whole in the way suggested by it. Being part of the Whole does not mean having vague thoughts and then passively let it go. To actively participate in this Evolution, committing yourself personally can be done through the vibration of Joy.
Joy establishes itself with force, convinced that we have lived to our utmost the firm belief that we are here for Evolution, and are part of the divine.
The disappointments that each one of us has experienced in our own Lives must give way to Joy. Indeed it is precisely through the way we have constructed or attracted those disappointments that it is possible to arrive at Joy. Trying to understand them, the experiences that have caused our dissatisfaction, we can see what we should have done, and NOW what we might be able to do. Better still, if thinking about them we cannot see clearly what we should have done differently, to avoid being disappointed, then Surrender will follow.
The moment we surrender completely to Life, because we are conscious and certain that Life will take us where we MUST be, and then we reach Harmony and a perfect communion with our inner God.
When this certainty is ours, Surrender happens and automatically Joy is the result.

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