Living with Disharmony | Carla Parola Official website Living with Disharmony – Carla Parola Official website
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Living with Disharmony

We can easily understand what living in Harmony with ourselves means: when we think of the word “Harmony” we immediately see something fluid, flowing, something that is right, without obstacles, without mishaps, that flows harmonically.
Living in harmony with ourselves also means accepting that part of us that is manifestly dis-harmonic.
Disharmony is a function of Harmony: a period of Disharmony is necessary because when life becomes wearing, when everything we do is full of obstacles, precisely at this moment, we must stop for a second, take stock of the situation, and use our best resources to carry on, to resolve what Life has offered us at this moment,( and what we have attracted) even if it is not easy because it is not in the Harmonious stream of Life.
To accept Disharmony means that we have perfectly understood ourselves, how Disharmony is necessary, and that the most profound part of ourselves has searched for it, asked and wanted it, precisely to make us reflect about it.
Accepting Disharmony means truly living in Harmony with ourselves.
The important thing is not to become Dis-harmonic ourselves. To understand that the events we are called on to handle, are not easy or fluid: they are dis-harmonic, but we need them to bring out our ability to apply ourselves in a stronger, more determined and conscious way.
The mistake that we could make is to become dis-harmonic ourselves, beginning by feeling sorry for ourselves, and cursing Destiny, to think that we did not deserve that event, and so immediately look for a scapegoat, certain that we do not merit what has happened.
With this mechanism in act within us we are heading for Disharmony, ourselves becoming dis-harmonic.
We must distinguish very carefully the difference between the Disharmony that is a function of Harmony, to that which makes us dis-harmonic and nothing else.
To be able to make this distinction means we have acquired a deep knowledge of ourselves, and have above all, brought into focus how the Cosmic Forces function.
We are immersed in these Forces, they permeate us continually, if we have understood, assimilated and acknowledged them properly, they will make us live in an easier and more conscious way.
To be Unaware of these Forces, leads us to making useless, banal, explanations, and so we live Disharmony as a punishment, thinking we have been cursed with negative events, just because society is like this…..because others are jealous of us……..because we are persecuted by bad luck…….and so on.
Instead, let us live Disharmony as a functional moment of Harmony, carrying on without thinking too much about it, Aware that Life always offers us all the solutions, in moments of Disharmony too.
They will be more fatiguing, more complex, but they exist.
So that we can resolve these situations, we must be Aware of them immediately, because they arrive very quickly, we must accept Disharmony, conscious that we are living a dis-harmonic moment that is necessary for us, as it prepares us for the great Harmony that will follow, or as a consequence of having already lived this great Harmony recently, or the need to recuperate our best resources, as living in constant Harmony we often underrate it.

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