Light | Carla Parola Official website Light – Carla Parola Official website
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When we speak of the Light, we are speaking about a harmonious frequency that inundates the Earth and all the cosmos, and every second, flows through each of you.
The frequency of the Light flows through you all the time, but what do you derive from this frequency? Only what is in harmony with you.
The Light has a very broad range, within it there is every kind of vibration and frequency, but you take only what is in harmony with your own vibration and frequency.
“Light” may seem a generic term, but to be generic does not mean without specifics, and these are the specifics: the Light has within it, all the frequencies, and according to the human person’s needs, will activate the one required by that person.
When we speak of Light in a general sense, we mean the divine, the illuminated, the most elevated part of us. A way of life that is not exclusively rational, but illuminated. It has spiritual overtones that persuade us to consider Life not simply as a collection of events and meetings, but of situations, whose only purpose is to lead us to self knowledge, and consequently to the service of Evolution.
Evolution cannot use us, and unless we first know ourselves, we cannot help the Evolution of the humankind.
The Light helps us do this.
When we put ourselves into the positive stream, when we want to understand ourselves, then we attract the frequency we need from the Light.
It is a circle: we are part of the One, the Whole, there is no distinction between us and the Light, we cannot perceive the Light as something external to us, because we are the Light that
flows through us, that permeates us, just as we are the universe: we are a microcosmos in the macrocosmos.
All the words we use: Whole, One, divine Light, are all entities that we need for Evolution. We must use them to understand who we are.
No-one is responsible for saving humanity or helping others, unless he has first helped himself; no-one is obliged to make himself understand others until he has first understood himself, and no-one has the right to love others unless first he loves himself.
If he is not able to love himself, then the love he offers to others will be flawed, it will be a love that is given only with the intention of receiving love, and he will be able to love only in the same way that he loves himself.
If we love ourselves in an erroneous way, then how we love another person will be erroneous too.
Are these rules? Essential concepts?
These are not things disconnected from reality, and when we speak of spirituality, it seems that we want to evade the rational and the ordinary.
This is not so.
When we talk of spirituality, we enter an extremely rational world because it persuades us to make rational choices.
Therefore, to go back to the Light, it is nothing more than one of the elements of the Whole, and we are the Whole.


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