Life doesn’t always correspond to the Mind’s expectations, but it is ALWAYS in Harmony with Evolution.
Why do I affirm this statement?
Because without Evolution, Life would not exist.
Life and Evolution are active Forces that participate in the Whole on the greatest vibrational level.
Very few of us are completely “imbued” with the Awareness of this.
I want to invite you to avoid mystifying Reality and to accept it as an integral and dominate part of Life-Evolution.
Reality is always there, but the understanding of Reality is often misinterpreted and confused.
Let us go back to the example of the bottle half full; is it half full or half empty?
It is Utopian to look for objectivity in classifying reality.
Everyone tries to decipher it based on who he is and what he feels.
To help you not to misinterpret Reality, it is a good idea to have unbiased feelings regarding it.
If you expect a sign that will encourage you to follow your aspirations through, you will be inclined to see every sign and Reality as an endorsement or denial of your expectations, but without the objectivity necessary to interpret with Truth-Reality as it really Is.
Surrender to your Life, to the perfect stream of loving Forces that guide and protect you, and show you the most worthwhile route you must take for your Evolution.