Knowing Oneself | Carla Parola Official website Knowing Oneself – Carla Parola Official website
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Knowing Oneself

Only with the full awareness of oneself, can the human being really know himself.
Why is there always a continuous insistence on the theme of self- knowledge?
Because in the way we live and behave, there are things that annoy us, irritate and bother us, things that we are uncomfortable with, and force us to think about.
The thoughts are these: can I avoid everything that bothers me?
If the answer is yes, the problem does not exist.
If it is no, it means that Life is asking me to learn how to overcome the problem, without letting it get the upper hand or take advantage of me.
This seems a straightforward concept, even superficial, but this is precisely the fundamental point, for those who aspire to live wisely.
If I allow myself to be influenced by the external (other people, situations, society) I can never truly be myself, and if I am not truly myself, I cannot make myself clear, or give to others what I have, and so, in the end, I have failed my Life’s purpose.
Why? Because I have not become what was predestined for me, when I took this Earthly form.
Which are the situations we reflect on, that must lead us to react to what is happening, and not accept it?
When, within us the reaction is very strong, extremely logical and determined.
We must live with logic.
When your instinct signals that you cannot put up with something any longer, you must understand why.
If you do not understand why, then you will be at the mercy of uncontrollable, illogical emotions, which paradoxically can even condition your Life.
On the other hand, if your reaction is logical, and you understand why, everything becomes easier, and it is an occasion to know yourself better.
Going back to the fundamental point, knowledge of oneself is the basis of Earthly Living.
If I do not know myself, I will spend the rest of my Life wanting other people to understand me.
However, if I do not know myself, I will be unable to present myself in the right way to other people, and the result of this will be that other people will not understand me, and my Life will be very frustrating.
Nobody understands me: “ This is how I am, but people misunderstand me”
Now, one should reflect: do I understand myself?
An affirmative reply to this will be difficult.
When people are not understood by others, it is because they are unable to understand themselves.
This is the first step.
The second step: with understanding comes acceptance of yourself, of what you are.
The third step is, always love yourself.
I must love myself because that is how I am, and through accepting myself I can express the Love that unites the Whole, and ensure that my earthly passage is both valid and useful.
The concept of “useful” is nonessential for the Energy, it is almost paradoxical, as everything is useful (also nonessential), but in the economy of evolution, it is better to avoid expressing the nonessential.
Evolution takes place only through the essential, becomes compact and proceeds.
The non-essential is like a brake, a stop, and stagnation.
Let us now go back to the theme, knowing oneself.
This knowledge must be so profound, true and realistic, that no one will be perplexed by how we live, and behave.
Sometimes we are mystified; sometimes others mystify our behavior, just because they do not understand it.
When do they not understand?
When we are not emitting the right vibrations, when we say something and are thinking something else, we do something, but within us we feel differently.
This means living based on appearances. When we live like this, we are on an earthly path that justifies everything, but never leads to the truth.
The only wise thing to do is adhere to yourself with a great Love, and ameliorate your way of living, for yourself, not for others, aiming at not harming your way of living.
Living in Harmony with yourselves, you can be assured that Life asks nothing more from you, just that your choices and actions will always be in Harmony with your deepest feelings.

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